Monday, December 11, 2006

time out...

every once in a while its good to take a time out from all the things that you have being doing so that it does not become too boring to bear...especially if you only play whole day...that's me! opps!

anyway i'm watching women 3 M dive right now while wasting time at the same time so that bro song will talk to me after his phone call....makes me wonder who is he talking to actually...i have 2 persons in mind right now...haha..but i cannot figure out who is the exact one...

ah, think i shld pack my cupboard at the same time when i packed my room there a program called pack my room? maybe i can volunteer my room haha...

since i;m so free,i was thinking how to celebrate my 21st birthday..muahahah i'm gonna be 21st soon...and i realised its hard to go bout organising it cos there's a lot of details to cover...maybe in the end i'll just get a few of my close friends and celebrate with them at a simple dinner...haha....nvm, maybe i'll start worrying when the date gets much nearer...

now i' seriousing stoning and waiting, realised i got patience to wait for things somehow, like fishing and waiting for my passport....waiting for ple who are late(this applies if they are not meeting me for meals)...but you know who's better? of course its my girlfriend! cos i will always be late when meeting her, but i'm changing k? i go out eariler everytime now so i no need to run to the mrt..haha....since my gf so good to me, waiting for a patient man is worse than anything else...that's y i bring her to go shang hai ma!!!hahaaha

i'm still waiting for bro song to reply...

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 10, 2006

random thoughts...

i guess this is the best title other than recording the date as your title....well anyway, its nearly 2 am in the morning and i'm typing these cos i suddenly rem some happenings that i came across these days and after reading some blogs...

recently my gf was telling me one of my mutual friends broke up cos the girl claims that there is no more spark between him and her....btw, that's a new excuse(i meant reason) i heard for a breakup, the rest usually involves liking another person, cannot stand to be with him anymore(is there such a limit in the first place?) or studies or whatsoever....using sparks, does it mean we got to generate lots of firewood or fuel to burn everyday?

i guess relationships are suppose to be started and maintained by both parties. of course everything starts off well as we don't really understand the person enough but we are sorta blinded by that person's affection to you cos maybe you never did experience it before...this part make may just be fulfilled by one side of the party cos the one receiving such attention just well receives it happily with outstretched hands...maybe that's y u feel like you are being cherished and loved, to be in his/her attention and his/her world revolving around yours....that's y you feel that the relationship will last...

on the other hand, after that part when both are together for a long time and u feel that such things stopped happening, does it means that you are not the center of attention to him/her anymore? i guess not.Cos to me, this is the part where maintainence takes place....the part where both parties must be willing to sacrifice for the other and at the same time understand what each other needs...

why can some relationship last for so long while some are so short lived? does it mean that those that are long are just enduring cos it becomes a habit? i guess the short ones are because of just un commitment(is there such a word?)... i guess sometimes, commitment when you are together is a totally different thing, its no longer a boquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, or even a teddy bear....its higher than that i believe...its always being there at the time when he/she needed u most and still being there though he/she does not need you for now....basically its being just around so that there will always be someone to break the fall, soften the impact and pick you up...

and of course the best way is to start saying i love you to the one you love and mean it.

some of my random thoughts...anyway, this is provoked by my 2 friends whom i'm not very close with but still kept in contact so stop guessing whether its referring to you not, cos if you are reading it, it means you're not the one...haha

dA 1 N oNlY

Friday, December 08, 2006

a day out at ECP!

okay, i was suppose to update this like on sat 2nd of Dec, but i was lazy and then keep procrasitinating it till only now...nearly one week later le...opps! anyway the day was started off by deciding to go to ecp for cycling, very long want to go le but actually once again cos i too lazy so we never made it there, anyway the very smart me thought got free transport to Parkway Parade(PP) so we took the train to bedok but realise that it only operates on Weekends and Public Holidays...anyway the sign that writes the schedule for the bus service has a sentence that goes like..."the above timings are subjected to changes due to the road unconditions"...which is very wierd indeed...and that is also the first funny thing which i observed today...more to come along, i din take a pic of that cos i was busy looking for an alternative to reach ecp cept walking...

anyway we went to PP to have lunch first and buy some stuff to bring there to munch along while cycling...well, our plan is to cycle the double bike so that the at any time only one person need to control the bike while the other just peddle can we bought some chips and drinks to bring over there to eat lor...we're suppose to keep fit and stay healthy but i think we failed...opps! anyway we rented a bike and it was a 1 for 1 offer..meaning you can ride 2 hours for price of 1 hours, applicable on weekdays dun bother asking during weeekends...

ah, we cycled along the way and see lots of things, like the signboards for the marathon happening on sunday....well, there's this board which i find it quite funny and one that really is just stating the obvious...and guess what's the catch phrase for 100-plus?

the funny board

the stating the obvious board

100 plus-OUTDO yourself!

anyway, i see some very funny things at ecp today...maybe someone wuld wanna enlighten me bout it? this includes a tree that bear wierd fruits, a embarassed zebra crossing and a building that faces the sea but has come kinnda room atop which stand out from the rest...take a look!

look closely at the building in the center and compare the difference!

ah i had enuff of uploading the picture, its just don't work...pissed off=<

Da 1 N oNlY


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

a normally boring day...

everyday is boring, and when its boring its normal, so its a normally boring day today. herm, maybe not cos i went to take my final theory test today and i passed! after completing like 404 questions on record sia...i got so sian that i don't feel like reviewing things that i got wrong eventually...anyway managed to book a date for test on the 19th is so far from now....and i gotto pay more cos my membership will expire by then...driving not cheap sia....anyway hope i pass by first test so no need to renew PDL...which also cost money...nothing's free i guess...

hmmm...dunnoe why but i just realised after so many days of waking up eat and then maybe go drive a bit and go home and continue with the same routine, i don;t find my life kindda boring...haha...until my friend who took the test today with me asked me isn;t it boring to stay in all day? ah! i just realised that but there's nothing much i can do leh...nobody ask me out( or rather i too lazy to go out, haha)...nvm, after my dear finish exam then i will have lots of activities lining up...haha...

okie enuff of my nonsense...write again soon when i got some inspiration...

dA 1 N oNlY

Monday, November 20, 2006

i'll nv be a waiter again!

thanks to my friend's lobang, i got a job as a waiter at suntec for one night only. its a banquet so obviously they require a lot more manpower. though rate wasn't high, i still went just for the experience despite the lowly pay of 5.5 per hour. but upon hearing that taxi fare will be covered while working to 1am, i was quite okay with it. anyway it began on a bad note since the dress code was to have black pants and black leather shoes. i wore papa's for both but his shoe was a bit too small for my feet, in the end it was kinnda uncomfortable...=(

somhow, upon reaching, we did not know where to go and what to do so basically we were just following pple around. nvm we were late but once we entered this place to like have a briefing, it became somehow a lashing out session by some BIG jabroni...anyway, i din have a clue as to what was happening but just that the scene was all too feels like camp! where most of the time i dunnoe what's happening...haha

anyway, work was not very tedious but i'm not used to serving pple. haha. how funny, last time i still think its quite cool to work as a waiter cos your mission is to serve and make pple happy at the end of the day. WRONG! i realised that till the slightest detail like how you stand and how u serve actually matters to the management. though there wasn't any big glitches but i'm convinced on a point....I SHALL NV BE A WAITER AGAIN!!! haha, unless i am bankrupt, i will always be the one being served! muahahahhaa

anyway, for the exp, i got $33. spent $7 on a Mcspicy meal when i got back to my place and that's $26 left, spent another $10 to top up my ez-link card and that $16....+a day of tireness from too much back bending to serve....not worth it! haha

and that is my very first and last job experience as a waiter....

dA 1 N onlY

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

wow! i got lots to write about these days.been kept free at home cos i don't need to go back camp!haha. anyway, today's 24th, or rather 25th as i'm writing it and dan is leaving...argh! lucky i still got song in bright and sunny singapore with me, i'm starting to miss dan even before he leaves. hopefully i'll meet him the last time b4 he leaves...

anyway, let's have a recap on what has been happening, i just got logged outta my game, but that is not important anyway. then when i came online linz (my good sis) suddenly said hi!(which is not very usual) and so we started to chat, then she went one round of asking whether my dear and my family going to see my ORD parade not. okay that's not important but then her point of talking to me is to ask whether my father's car can be used for supper next week after my parade, and not whether she coming to my parade face was like -_-" exactly...haiz nvm....

on a lighter note, song and i were discussing about dan's present on sms. realised we never really celebrate for daniel his birthday in singapore but then we started thinking of what stuff to send him when he is aboard so that he knows we are still waiting for him to come back.hmmm that sounds gay, i mean we'll always be here for him! is this better? just wondering why we'll think of what presents to send to him when he is aboard and not when he is here. guess that's how we show we treasure people, only when you lose them...

had mahjong this afternoon, only like win small small but lose BIG BIG...lucky nv gamble, just playing with chips..then had dinner and received song's msg that everything is alright now, alright, i'm happy for him cos he is happy himself. all the best bro! and i still cannot find a word to describe your relationship...its kindda wierd but rem to fill me in again when we meet...haha

anyway K boxing was a failure cos all the people booked and got the K Lunch but we need to pay more just for the K in the end we went to pak's house to whoop up a kindda good meal, realised 1 thing, my dear and xj are both make a mess of the place when cooking...opps! they gonna kill me when they see these...maybe its just a case of too many cooks spoil the broth...haha i was one of the 3chefs! haha

hmmm think i'm gonna sleep soon, still need to report back to camp in the morning to get my stuff back...need to find more space in my room liao....

dA 1 N oNlY

Friday, October 20, 2006


check this out! i'm finally clearing my leave for my whole army career! actually there's not a lot left cos they purposely replace our leave with our off-in-lieu(who thought of this word anyway).anyway, the army is a hei1 an4 place, especially my unit.its like a spoilt brat, only want and never give back...used our leave and say its off so that in black and white we cleared all our leave that is availiable. the best part was this, they say that the leave is a previlege and not an entitlement.wth, then what for give us 14 days per annual...

anyway, life after army is much looked forward to. however leaving the army would mean that my income has stopped. so gotto start looking for a job to earn something back. cannot whole day sit at home and do nothing. seriously army pay for me not bad cos for that amount of money, you get free food(which does not taste good), accomodation, security(from the guards on duty) and education(which is easier to pass than any other test in the world)...however all these comes with some price to pay, you gotto go through quite a bit of shit, or maybe a few piles of them just to see the light at the end of the tunnel, hoping that it is not a oncoming train....

anyway, these days quite a lot of things happening, some too long to elaborate and some are too unimportant to do so. anyway i'm clearing leave finally and clearing out my closet in camp! which is a great feeling cos you know you won't be shifting around camp anymore but going home! home sweet home!army makes you realised that family is still the best yeah! no matter what happens, your family will stand by your side! rem that bro!we'll stand together!

anyway, more updates later bah, going to eat something now, oh yar! army always got fixed timing to have meals so you won;t have irregular eatng hours! that's another plus point!haha

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, August 29, 2006








Sunday, May 07, 2006

wow, a happening weekend!

finally got to meet up with mother xuan cliff linz pak and xiaojie fr a get together session. oh well, our get together is more of a mahjong session actually. anyway, i din win much or rather i din win at all but i was happy though cos i see all of them now. its the first since i came back from Thailand actually. anyway, hope to meet song and dan in the next weekend which is quite packed actually. more about that later.

anyway, went to bugis to shop for my girlfriend's mother day present. ended up spending more $$ on ourseleves. oh i bought the OSIM U-zap! cool hor? haven used it yet but then tried it out last night b4 buying. just a warning, do not try it on if you have a bladder full of water or just after meals...cos that was exactly what happen to me...haha

oh btw, i;m watching scobby doo now on channel 5. so funny that i'm laughing my ass off.

oh yar, my maple account just got some idiot who got i and took away everything from me. nvm, haha cos i got friends with me and a friend in need is a friend indeed. i got like 3 other accounts which are not active at all aft level 40 plus or 60. haha. i'll be back but not this week la. got too much gaming until i think my eye sight is slowly but surely being destoryed every moment. need a bigger screen le...

anyway, now my little sis is trying out the u zap in every possible way. haha. next time to punish her if she is notti i shall tie her using the u zap and switch it on to MAX! haha, i'm a evil brother! i'm gonna reap the benefit of such a machine cos on the pretext of buying it for my mum, i can use it too! so in a way or other, its for me too! haha, one stone kill two bird...

anyway, next week is going to be more happening then this. shall not reveal too much cos i think all my mahjong kakis knew i gonna curse them so they counter cursed me and i din even get a near winning set at all...aha! more exciting weekend ahead. till now, back to camp!

dA 1 N oNlY

p.s: linz! get me something from germany cept german gas can?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

hey! that's my girlfriend's movie star double!

Angelina Jolie

A wild child like you needs to be played by someone who's not afraid to live life on the edge, someone who doesn't mind bending the rules a little when necessary, someone like Angelina Jolie. While you may not be the kind of person to tattoo your true love's name on your body, we still think Angelina would perfectly capture your adventurous attitude toward life.
Back in high school, were you the one harassing the substitute teacher and freaking out your folks by driving too fast? Well, even if you weren't climbing out your bedroom window and into a carfull of your pals late at night, you probably had your own ways of pushing the envelope and making adults turn gray before their time.
Like Angelina, you probably still like playing hard, that's the way you can really experience life. Leave the armchairs for other people. You, like your movie star double, prefer an edge that makes you feel alive. Angelina never apologizes for the decisions she's made, probably because they've been right for her regardless of what others say. Sound familiar?

ah i should be brad pitt but i'm not...

dA 1 N oNlY

Thursday, May 04, 2006

i'm back! i'm back!

after serving my standby,which is basically confined in camp doing nothing, i'm finally out to enjoy my break of 5 days(which 2 days have passed as a matter of fact). time flies when you're having fun doesn't it? anyway, bet time is longer for song cos he should be outfield by now...sorry bro, mahjong with you next week i guess.

anyway, after book out we went to DOTA again. its funny how everyone breaks their promise of not playing DOTA anymore after every gruelling session but somehow or other will appear at the LAN shop once again to spend the next few hours pitting your hero against others. haha. wow, waht a long sentence.

well, we're gonna mahjong this weekend with all the kings and queens of mahjong. its been a long time since we all gathered to play mahjong, which is our favourite past time whenever we got no $$ to go anywhere after exams. anyway, must put some voodoo or curse so that whoever that walks through my door will lose in mahjong! aha! okie doing that later since i'm so free...

aha! can't wait for sat to come!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, April 23, 2006


don't you think this layout rocks? haha its bout calvin and hobbes(duh!) and its on pollution(if you read it) something so close to our hearts these days. pollution of the environment and the space we are living in. your space, protect it. if pollution really gets so bad, guess we'll soon be living in bubbles! my god! can you imagine yourself always in a bubble? oh at least you nv sink if you get into the water somehow...

anyway, this is just an update cos i think i wanna add another entry to this blog of mine. i won't be around for next week cos i got duties so there will be NO updates for next week. don't bother checking it out. oh yar, this is the weekend song is getting outta camp. haha wonder how he feels. haben been tokking to him much cos he is busier now. haha! bet cha dunnoe what he is busy with. * i know i know but i'm not gonna tell you...*

anyway, exams for the uni pple. guess everyone is just as stressed as the person studying nex to them. gotto take care girls! (cos i dunnoe any guys in uni yet) just a bit bit more k? after that you can pack your travelling kit for a hols, or i will ask you out for dinner somenight or you can just let your hair down to enjoy your well deserved break. hang in there! i'll be at the other end waiting! especially to my dear old friend of 8 years xiaojie. recharge yourself girl, i see you losing yourself in that sea of notes and books! don't lose your way k? but don't overwork too! jiayou!

anyway, she won't have time to read it at these periods so i'm just writing for fun. haha. din see anyone online today though its a sunday, guess everyone met up at the nearby fast food outlet or library to mug bah. i got my dear dear mugging too! haha! and i'm so happy typing this entry out.*i'm evil*

oh well, let's go out for a dinner after all your exams k? mahjong session included!*sees the glimmer in your eyes* yes, we'll meet up soon together with song and his mystery guest, mother and father, pak lin cliff dan yuen maybe. haha till then take care!

dA 1 N oNlY

Thursday, April 20, 2006

if you smell....what the rock is cookin!

i'm sorry for not updating by "tonight" as mentioned in the previous post. but heck la, who would bother to check it out so faithfully cept my dear dear? i dont have that much loyal fans anyway. oh before i get d/c and unsaved entry again i better not digress too much (so i can still digress a bit), to share with you my secret baked peppered shitake mushroom rice with honey baked ham. why this long name? cos it leaves a impression for such long windedness...

here are the ingredients you need
some garlic
some shitake mushroom
some rice
some pepper
some honey baked ham
some parmesan cheese

notice that all ingredients are in some cos frankly speaking i added thru feelings...if its too salty then add more water or if its not spicy enough then add more pepper. haha, not very helpful since you can actually derive the ingredients needed thru the name of the dish. once again its baked peppered shitake mushroom rice with honey baked ham. haha

anyway, this can be called cooking in 3 simple steps. or maybe great dinner in 30 mins. or maybe included in cookin for dummies or the single and unintiated. haha

firstly, fry the garlic in oil and make sure they are not totally burnt or its wasted. then add in the mushroom when you think its right(once again its feelings! yeah)...then stir fry it and when its about to be ready, add some pepper to make it spicy. to your own likings k? just don't add till you keep sneezing while cookin, hygience is still very important.

next, take out the rice and put them into a wok. then add some water to add before putting in a piece of chicken stock so that your rice is not plain but flavoured. cover and wait for it to simmer. then when its almost dry, add in your mushroom from step one and then mix everything together! make sure the mushrooms are evenely mixed in the rice before scooping them up into bowls.

3rd and final step, add pieces of honey baked ham ontop of the parmesan cheese layer and put it into the over to bake it. not too long or the rice will lose too much moisture. ready to serve when you see that the cheese has totally melted!

dA 1 N oNlY
p.s: can't update fotos. try again later!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


i just typed an entry and i got d/c, and it wasn't saved!

they say toubles don't come alone and i guess that's true...

dA 1 N oNlY
p.s: more updates tonight ba!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


yes!after one month of absence from this sunny island of Singapore, i am finally back. okie, i was already back on the third but i was too lazy to type out what happened then. so i am only typing it now since i'm going back to camp tml again. back to the hell hole againa and who knows what fates awaits me...

anyway, missing out on the month of march happenings in Singapore, it seems that time has stopped. my life was paused back here in singapore and then it continued when i landed once again on the 3rd of April. so how has your life been in the month of march? mine was more of getting cooked in the very place you sleep and getting shot by farmers with shotguns. haha

anyway, thailand was still the land of thousand smiles, or rather just hundreds cos that is the amount of thais i have met including those in the thai royal army and the civilians around. that goes to show the secludedness of the place i am training at. or rather WULU. haha. anyway, i should say thailand is amazing. amazing thailand! cos the weather really amazes me. for everyday, at 645, its like as bright as 745 in SG. then the afternoon is much much more hotter then any days in SG. think you can actually cook an egg with a pan without any fire easily in the afternoon sun. then at night it starts to turn quite cold and it never rains in my area. you only get to experience the strong wind that can keep the trees bowed in submission but never the rain. oh well, it did rained for the last few days and it was raining with the setting sun. wierd? you think its really amazing for that to happen and it did. haha.

on a side note,come to think of it, thailand is higher up north and SG is nearer to the equator than thailand but how the hell izzit so much hotter there?anyway, the season there is such that it get hotter by and dryer towards march end and april start. and guess what, those were the days i saw rain...

anyway, i'm not glad to be a matter of fact, I'M SUPER GLAD that i'm back in this small sunny island where its much safer then the outskirts of thailand called kanchanaburi. long name eh? just break them up..its pronounce as kan-cha-na-bu-ri. at the very least in SG, you dun have farmers shooting at you with a shotgun. haha.

oh just something to share with you guys. at that place, the only good thing bout that place is that you dun hear any mosquitos buzzing around in your ear every now and then. well cos there's no water for them to breed in! see, if water is scarce here, then i would have been on a desert for that past 30 days!

dA 1 N oNly

Thursday, March 02, 2006


i'm home again. haha. these days must have been those days which i spent lotsa $$ on transportation. come to think of it, its only a comfy bed at home waiting which is really worthy of that amount of $$ spent on taxi, buses and trains, okie maybe i also get to see dear more times this week so its much more worth to be travelling like that. anyway, monday was a battlion outing to Ubin( yes, that island which you rent a bike to cycle around the whole day for $6), was somehow fun cos we got 4th though we never work hard for it.guess the other teams also has the same mentality as us. anyway, we spent the night there and we slept at the jetty which was freaking cold at 6 in the morning. anyway, if you had slept elsewhere, you would have provided the insects with a good meal of your blood. so between the 2 evils, i choose the coldness...brrr...anyway we were back to camp like 8 in the morning and we got to book out!and we went to DOTA( oh, been doing that for the past few days too) then went home to sleep for a night...

oh no, realised that the paragraph that i just typed was really boring. hmmm... maybe should write bout how should i spent the remaining days on this sunny island called SINGAPORE. cos i will soon be going over to the land of a thousand smiles, me, i think its more of the land of a thousand sorrows...

so i will be leaving on sundae, once again taking the midnight lfight which nobody wants to take....hmmm the flight is by thai airways, so if anybody wanna save me from going there, please make a call to tell them there's a bomb onboard or something likedat. i would thank you very much when i visit you in prison.opps!

anyway, now that i am home after taking the stupid IPPT in camp this mornin, i am actually planning for tml and sat and then sun. OMG! realised that's only 3 days left...i'm stunned! what can i do in 72hrs! gone in 72hrs...maybe i should just take a vidoe camp and flim down the last 72hrs b4 i leave for that month of march...

anyway, if nothign goes wrong, friday i will be meeting song to celebrate his A level results and also to see the world cup throphy. gonna take a lot of pictures if we get to hold it. wow! imagine so many guys in the world fighting to win it and i just get to hold it cos i won a pair of tickets to see it! muahahahah. i'm so sinister! hopefully things will turn out as expected...

sat will be spent going to k box and the movie and then dinner with my sec class mates i guess...gonna eat something good so hopfully everyone can make it lor. its always nice to have a meal with your friends when you are going aboard cos you never know what may happen next. haha. kidding la...

then sunday maybe going sentosa with my JC friends cos one of them is in some pageant thingy and its held at sentosa...this one not confirmed yet, maybe in the end we just go harbourfront to eat or something la.

and in the mean time, i hope that riots break out in thailand, the plane that is going to fetch us there won't arrive, there is some disease breaking out in that area such as bird flu? i even contemplate bringing a piece of chix there so they can detain me for bringing poultry products there! that's how desperate i am now!haha, oh well enough of cursing them cos i believe in karma. well let's hope its really the land of a thousand smiles!

dA i N oNly

Sunday, February 19, 2006


you landed with a hard thud, opening your eyes slowly just as the dust were settling down. you begin to wonder whatb this place is all about. the dust, the dirt and the foggy surrondings makes you confused. there's no way to tell where's north and you begin to wonder into which direction should you proceed on. as you steadied yourself and realised there's gravity, you check yourself to see if you substain any form of injuries. as you look between your legs, you see that there is a sign that reads: what's cookin?

aha! you landed on my blog once again. sorry that i din update. was plain lazy and so the creative juices to blog about some funny stuff weren't on my mind at all. anyway, you wouldn't want to read bout my blog if i write the same old stuff that happens everyday to you and me right? it be like copy and paste plus changing the date kinda stuff...

anyway, just a quick update. i had a enjoyable v day cos i got to come out and meet my dear. we din do much la, just eat and then walk around orchard road. looking at couples holding flowers, presents and more flowers! got 1 stalk, 3 stalks, a boquet of 12, and the champion 99! but my dear din want any( but i guess she does, haha) so i nv got her lor. my friend in camp said his gf cried on the spot when he din meet her with a boquet of flowers! OMG! an advice to all the guys out there, girls may not like flowers, but since its v day, flowers naturally becomes the kinda stuff that she can boost about if she happens to see her friends on the streets. they dun say it out, but well, its just exactly like why a mercz driver would usually look around those cars that are stopping by the traffice lights alongside him and not the smaller cars. its a from of pride! so better get some flowers unless your gf is as understanding as mine!haha

btw, my friend jas left for aussie on the 15th when i was having my NE tour of chinatown and little india. anyway, if you happen to read this! good luck in your studies and do take care in a foreign country!think she wouldn't read this cos she dunnoe i got a blog but well, wishes are also made but nobody actually knows who hears it...

oh btw xj, i solved your present you gave me le. time to buy me another one le. just idding la. cos i know its ex. anyway it was good time killing method. as k my dear, i was so determined to solve it that i ignored her sometimes. she even have to confiscate it at times. haha

shall end of here. got more stuff to do, which is plainly lazing around before i go into camp la.take care! will be back soon with more updates.i promise!

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

cny shopping? DONE!

warning: this is a extremly boring, dry, and senseless blog entry that is gonna be written so that i will rem that in some point of my life, i was actually doing cny shopping for myself in this particular year. pardon me, but if you had fallen asleep by now, i think you should just try harder dude! haha

anyway, went shopping after going to NTU to help my little dear to carry her extremly heavy and big new year goodies that she placed order for. i forgot the reason of purchasing but somehow or rather, its to show my support for her so i bought one bottle/can/box of pineapple tarts. it taste fantastic! haha shame on you if you didn't order! no chance liao! haha, anyway, we finished bout 1/4 of the pineapple tarts before we went for lunch cos we were hungry!

then we went to shop at giodarno(cos got discount for birthday pple mah) and at MAN STUDIO( buy already more beng than man i think), we also visited the john little( after having long john silver) menswear sale and bossini and some shops which i cannot really recall their name.

so i bought a shirt from man studio, and none from the john little sale, but the most important one was to get some from giodarno, cos once again they are the one with the mere 15% discount.oh something to add on bout discount!

you realised as you walk around the shopping centres, women are attracted to the signs such as "discount!" and "sales", so actually all shops that sells women related stuff would put that signboard obviously. but however, it doesn't matter if there was really a sale inside them or not, its the signboards i guess! that's y you nv see them in the men shop, cos men are not attracted to these signs...haha

anyway, shall post some picture of my new buyings later, for now, can only chuck them away and make them ready for the coming chinese new year! woohoo! gotta run errand for my mama.see ya!

dA 1 N oNlY

Saturday, January 21, 2006


ladies and gentlemen, if you could spare me some time to share with you my amazing discovery today. it is by far more than or if not, as important as the discovery of King Kong on skull island and bringing it into new york to climb the empire states building( i think the director at that time just wanna show the world how strong the empire state building was) anyway, back to topic.

as every discovery starts off with a small item, such as a map, a key, a picture, a note etc. mine started off with a photo taken at sentosa when we were having our class chalet for dunnoe which year la(forgive me, i have a short term memory and it took me some time to recall the names inside the photos...just kidding!) anyway take a look at the photo first and i'll tell you my discovery!

the picture comprises of(from top left to bottom right)
lydia,esther,jieying,huibing,shihui,daniel,yuen,me,lin,song and cliff(the one with the man u jersey)

so if you had a thorough look at the picture, you realised that only clifford wasn't smiling, the rest were cos perhaps the sun was in their eyes and they had to squint which makes them to appear to smile or just geniunely(?) smiling...anyway clifford is the one in the man u vodafone jersey k?

so you're lost? wondering why this picture starts off a AMAZING discovery? behold guys and gals! if you can fasten yourself to your chair if you're on one cos this will surely shock the living hell outta you! just like an electric chair!


i knew from the start(i'm lying now) that he likes lin lin! aha!and all the time wanna bedey bedey and fake fake he like someone else huh?

you see, the situation must have been like that somehow...(goes back in time for a while)

we were going to pose and take a picture at this spot when the sun is like glaring into our eyes, then everyone gets ready for the shoot with clifford beside linz and everyone else in the same position,when suddenly song walk pass, so being the brother than dan and i was, we called song to join us la, however song wants to take a photo with him just beside one of us, thus he got two choices right?either dan's or mine...WRONG! cos dan is at the edge of the photo so if song is added into it, he will be outta the picture, thus he has to be beside me! thus, resulting in clifford shifting 1 space away, which equates to not smiling anymore cos he just missed the chance of taking a photo beside linz...darn!

so in all, this is the amazing discovery of today! that clifford actually showed interest in lin long long ago le, just that maybe he didn't admit to it only, don't say i tell you all this k? if not i surely get slaughtered by the-name-which-you-never-speak-off...oh here are some other pics from that chalet!

waltzing down memory lane

dA 1 N oNlY


Friday, January 20, 2006

happy birthday to me!

oh, so i was supposed to type out a post on 5 random things about me last week...forgive me, i totally forgotten bout it(actually i was purposely avoiding it), so now i shall type it out since i'm waiting for my player in maple to recharge...

number 1...which is ichi(pronounced itchy,without too much of the t sound)
i am 20 today!no longer a teen...into the 2nd stage of live, maybe you should read up on bro song's theory on the something life of a guy...i'm into phase 2!

number 2...i'm playing maple! haha, the game that everyne says its too simple and childish....who cares...i'm gonna get DOTA soon, birthday mean more$$ to buy! then i can play BOTH maple and DOTA!

number 3...i cannot type well, as in i dunnoe how to type with your eyes on the screen and all your fingers on the keys at the same time, i can only work with 2 index fingers and now upgrade to 2 index and 2 middle fingers...if you wonder why i can type so fast, try mudding and chatting in your free time, you'll type faster in no time...

number 4...i just influenced my bunk to get a giodarno shirt going at 3 for $26 last night cos we need to wear something red for the CNY celebration! haha, good salesman leh, the shop assistant nly need to look for the sizes available while i promote thier items...oh bte, anyone wanna buy any gio thingy can call me out, i can get 15% off!

number 5...i just realised those pple tat are in my fav list has been now what?i think i just click random and see who appearS!who cares if he/she does not understand english...

so the 5 pple i'm gonna tag...

okie back to maple...i'm playing my dear's char...

dA 1 N oNly

Sunday, January 15, 2006

5 more dayS!

woohoo...five more days and i ll be getting a long long break, but of course, before the long break comes a ATEC stage 1 evaluation, well no sure thing as a free lunch in the world i guess, you gotta work for it...

anyway its just 5 days, that's 24/5 and then it'll be my birthday! hope i hit some jackpot, pick up a briefcase of money, found lost items that owners are putting a huge reward for, coins dropping down from the skies(okie i think that hurts, i think notes will be better), the best is to wake up and find more $$ in my bank account( though i will wake up to realised that its my pay for next month), anyway, 5 more days for anyone to do that, that will defiantly make me day for the rest of the year! anyone? tell me !

dA 1 N oNlY

Saturday, January 14, 2006

i'm fat!

OMG! as i was wlaking back to my room a few hours ago, my mother who was busy baking some chinese new year yummy said this to me..

"boy ah! i think you're getting fat!"

i nearly fainted aftet hearing that,trust me...

i guess its all due to the very slack life and late night supper that has been happening since the end of last year till now, cos after that outfield training, we came back for christmas hols and then new year and then on standby with nothing to do, plus lots of weapon training, basically there was minimal physical training and lots of rest...

okie enough said, think i'm gonna work out as soon as i could, or else i will really be a fat pig...Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

btw, i jst got back from running from bb mrt to my bloack and climbing 15 stories, still trying to catch my breathe back...phew....

dA 1 N oNly

Monday, January 02, 2006

happy new year!

woohoo! time flies! its another year already so soon! believe me, you haven really meet up to your new year resolutions of 05 right?haha, anyway, i'm not going to make any resolutions this year, since i am most likely to forget them for the greater part of year until 31st dec 06...anyway, let's have a recap on what's been happening this new year...woohoo!


spent at esplanade bridge with like 10000 pple( okie, i duunnoe the exact number but i'm just estimating it) together with my dear, was like packed tuna/sardines cept we are in a open space...fireworks was great! around 10 mins long i think but then the atmosphere a bit sian diao cos of the crowd...anyway, it was the first crowd i seen in 06! a bit too rowdy and a bit crazy, but well, its the 1st and there's no sch till 3rd for most of the pple! moreover, it was pitch dark cos they off the street lamps on the bridge( smart move) so no one recongnise anyone cept the one you are holding hands with...

anyway, something came into my mind that day when i saw some children of a family shopping for thier christmas gifts i supposed( i know its a bit out-dated but well, who cares!) there were like 3 of them, 2 boys and 1 girl! aged around 6 to 10 i guess and they were selecting toys off the shelves near me.

so each of them picked out one toy each and their parents went to pay for it, nothing unusual right? but somehow, i find this very different from what i experienced long long ago when i was thier age! OH NO! is that a from of a generation gap? anyway, i vividly remembered that my gifts were only after my final year exams (which i always got 4th since primary 1 to primary 4) and on my birthdays, no christmas gifts of such! how fortunate children are these days! and also, presents for children are getting more and more expensive these days, for example, in my time, those slotting machine( you put in a 20 cent and turn a knob till something falls out kind, rem?) are only 20cents! kiddy rides also 20 cents! look at now, i think its $1 or 50 cents! whahahaha! long ago i used to be contended with a small present such as a clockwork bunny that only hops on the spot( i still have it somewhere i guess) when i was around 5, but now, children will only be contended with gifts that are popular and "in"....what's gonna happen in the future?

anyway, i still think toys are good for kids, no matter what cos it give them a sense of ownership and respondsibility to ensure that their toys are taken care of properly..i'm not against buying toys for kids (my dear just got me the latest Viking Lego set from toy r us at a whopping $99 for christmas!), i just cannot figure out why kids are getting more expensive toys form their parents! i'm jealous!(haha just kidding)

hereby wishing you all a merry new year! happy christmas is over dude! back to work!

dA 1 N oNlY