Sunday, April 23, 2006


don't you think this layout rocks? haha its bout calvin and hobbes(duh!) and its on pollution(if you read it) something so close to our hearts these days. pollution of the environment and the space we are living in. your space, protect it. if pollution really gets so bad, guess we'll soon be living in bubbles! my god! can you imagine yourself always in a bubble? oh at least you nv sink if you get into the water somehow...

anyway, this is just an update cos i think i wanna add another entry to this blog of mine. i won't be around for next week cos i got duties so there will be NO updates for next week. don't bother checking it out. oh yar, this is the weekend song is getting outta camp. haha wonder how he feels. haben been tokking to him much cos he is busier now. haha! bet cha dunnoe what he is busy with. * i know i know but i'm not gonna tell you...*

anyway, exams for the uni pple. guess everyone is just as stressed as the person studying nex to them. gotto take care girls! (cos i dunnoe any guys in uni yet) just a bit bit more k? after that you can pack your travelling kit for a hols, or i will ask you out for dinner somenight or you can just let your hair down to enjoy your well deserved break. hang in there! i'll be at the other end waiting! especially to my dear old friend of 8 years xiaojie. recharge yourself girl, i see you losing yourself in that sea of notes and books! don't lose your way k? but don't overwork too! jiayou!

anyway, she won't have time to read it at these periods so i'm just writing for fun. haha. din see anyone online today though its a sunday, guess everyone met up at the nearby fast food outlet or library to mug bah. i got my dear dear mugging too! haha! and i'm so happy typing this entry out.*i'm evil*

oh well, let's go out for a dinner after all your exams k? mahjong session included!*sees the glimmer in your eyes* yes, we'll meet up soon together with song and his mystery guest, mother and father, pak lin cliff dan yuen maybe. haha till then take care!

dA 1 N oNlY

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