Sunday, December 10, 2006

random thoughts...

i guess this is the best title other than recording the date as your title....well anyway, its nearly 2 am in the morning and i'm typing these cos i suddenly rem some happenings that i came across these days and after reading some blogs...

recently my gf was telling me one of my mutual friends broke up cos the girl claims that there is no more spark between him and her....btw, that's a new excuse(i meant reason) i heard for a breakup, the rest usually involves liking another person, cannot stand to be with him anymore(is there such a limit in the first place?) or studies or whatsoever....using sparks, does it mean we got to generate lots of firewood or fuel to burn everyday?

i guess relationships are suppose to be started and maintained by both parties. of course everything starts off well as we don't really understand the person enough but we are sorta blinded by that person's affection to you cos maybe you never did experience it before...this part make may just be fulfilled by one side of the party cos the one receiving such attention just well receives it happily with outstretched hands...maybe that's y u feel like you are being cherished and loved, to be in his/her attention and his/her world revolving around yours....that's y you feel that the relationship will last...

on the other hand, after that part when both are together for a long time and u feel that such things stopped happening, does it means that you are not the center of attention to him/her anymore? i guess not.Cos to me, this is the part where maintainence takes place....the part where both parties must be willing to sacrifice for the other and at the same time understand what each other needs...

why can some relationship last for so long while some are so short lived? does it mean that those that are long are just enduring cos it becomes a habit? i guess the short ones are because of just un commitment(is there such a word?)... i guess sometimes, commitment when you are together is a totally different thing, its no longer a boquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, or even a teddy bear....its higher than that i believe...its always being there at the time when he/she needed u most and still being there though he/she does not need you for now....basically its being just around so that there will always be someone to break the fall, soften the impact and pick you up...

and of course the best way is to start saying i love you to the one you love and mean it.

some of my random thoughts...anyway, this is provoked by my 2 friends whom i'm not very close with but still kept in contact so stop guessing whether its referring to you not, cos if you are reading it, it means you're not the one...haha

dA 1 N oNlY

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