Monday, January 02, 2006

happy new year!

woohoo! time flies! its another year already so soon! believe me, you haven really meet up to your new year resolutions of 05 right?haha, anyway, i'm not going to make any resolutions this year, since i am most likely to forget them for the greater part of year until 31st dec 06...anyway, let's have a recap on what's been happening this new year...woohoo!


spent at esplanade bridge with like 10000 pple( okie, i duunnoe the exact number but i'm just estimating it) together with my dear, was like packed tuna/sardines cept we are in a open space...fireworks was great! around 10 mins long i think but then the atmosphere a bit sian diao cos of the crowd...anyway, it was the first crowd i seen in 06! a bit too rowdy and a bit crazy, but well, its the 1st and there's no sch till 3rd for most of the pple! moreover, it was pitch dark cos they off the street lamps on the bridge( smart move) so no one recongnise anyone cept the one you are holding hands with...

anyway, something came into my mind that day when i saw some children of a family shopping for thier christmas gifts i supposed( i know its a bit out-dated but well, who cares!) there were like 3 of them, 2 boys and 1 girl! aged around 6 to 10 i guess and they were selecting toys off the shelves near me.

so each of them picked out one toy each and their parents went to pay for it, nothing unusual right? but somehow, i find this very different from what i experienced long long ago when i was thier age! OH NO! is that a from of a generation gap? anyway, i vividly remembered that my gifts were only after my final year exams (which i always got 4th since primary 1 to primary 4) and on my birthdays, no christmas gifts of such! how fortunate children are these days! and also, presents for children are getting more and more expensive these days, for example, in my time, those slotting machine( you put in a 20 cent and turn a knob till something falls out kind, rem?) are only 20cents! kiddy rides also 20 cents! look at now, i think its $1 or 50 cents! whahahaha! long ago i used to be contended with a small present such as a clockwork bunny that only hops on the spot( i still have it somewhere i guess) when i was around 5, but now, children will only be contended with gifts that are popular and "in"....what's gonna happen in the future?

anyway, i still think toys are good for kids, no matter what cos it give them a sense of ownership and respondsibility to ensure that their toys are taken care of properly..i'm not against buying toys for kids (my dear just got me the latest Viking Lego set from toy r us at a whopping $99 for christmas!), i just cannot figure out why kids are getting more expensive toys form their parents! i'm jealous!(haha just kidding)

hereby wishing you all a merry new year! happy christmas is over dude! back to work!

dA 1 N oNlY

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