Tuesday, January 24, 2006

cny shopping? DONE!

warning: this is a extremly boring, dry, and senseless blog entry that is gonna be written so that i will rem that in some point of my life, i was actually doing cny shopping for myself in this particular year. pardon me, but if you had fallen asleep by now, i think you should just try harder dude! haha

anyway, went shopping after going to NTU to help my little dear to carry her extremly heavy and big new year goodies that she placed order for. i forgot the reason of purchasing but somehow or rather, its to show my support for her so i bought one bottle/can/box of pineapple tarts. it taste fantastic! haha shame on you if you didn't order! no chance liao! haha, anyway, we finished bout 1/4 of the pineapple tarts before we went for lunch cos we were hungry!

then we went to shop at giodarno(cos got discount for birthday pple mah) and at MAN STUDIO( buy already more beng than man i think), we also visited the john little( after having long john silver) menswear sale and bossini and some shops which i cannot really recall their name.

so i bought a shirt from man studio, and none from the john little sale, but the most important one was to get some from giodarno, cos once again they are the one with the mere 15% discount.oh something to add on bout discount!

you realised as you walk around the shopping centres, women are attracted to the signs such as "discount!" and "sales", so actually all shops that sells women related stuff would put that signboard obviously. but however, it doesn't matter if there was really a sale inside them or not, its the signboards i guess! that's y you nv see them in the men shop, cos men are not attracted to these signs...haha

anyway, shall post some picture of my new buyings later, for now, can only chuck them away and make them ready for the coming chinese new year! woohoo! gotta run errand for my mama.see ya!

dA 1 N oNlY

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