Saturday, January 21, 2006


ladies and gentlemen, if you could spare me some time to share with you my amazing discovery today. it is by far more than or if not, as important as the discovery of King Kong on skull island and bringing it into new york to climb the empire states building( i think the director at that time just wanna show the world how strong the empire state building was) anyway, back to topic.

as every discovery starts off with a small item, such as a map, a key, a picture, a note etc. mine started off with a photo taken at sentosa when we were having our class chalet for dunnoe which year la(forgive me, i have a short term memory and it took me some time to recall the names inside the photos...just kidding!) anyway take a look at the photo first and i'll tell you my discovery!

the picture comprises of(from top left to bottom right)
lydia,esther,jieying,huibing,shihui,daniel,yuen,me,lin,song and cliff(the one with the man u jersey)

so if you had a thorough look at the picture, you realised that only clifford wasn't smiling, the rest were cos perhaps the sun was in their eyes and they had to squint which makes them to appear to smile or just geniunely(?) smiling...anyway clifford is the one in the man u vodafone jersey k?

so you're lost? wondering why this picture starts off a AMAZING discovery? behold guys and gals! if you can fasten yourself to your chair if you're on one cos this will surely shock the living hell outta you! just like an electric chair!


i knew from the start(i'm lying now) that he likes lin lin! aha!and all the time wanna bedey bedey and fake fake he like someone else huh?

you see, the situation must have been like that somehow...(goes back in time for a while)

we were going to pose and take a picture at this spot when the sun is like glaring into our eyes, then everyone gets ready for the shoot with clifford beside linz and everyone else in the same position,when suddenly song walk pass, so being the brother than dan and i was, we called song to join us la, however song wants to take a photo with him just beside one of us, thus he got two choices right?either dan's or mine...WRONG! cos dan is at the edge of the photo so if song is added into it, he will be outta the picture, thus he has to be beside me! thus, resulting in clifford shifting 1 space away, which equates to not smiling anymore cos he just missed the chance of taking a photo beside linz...darn!

so in all, this is the amazing discovery of today! that clifford actually showed interest in lin long long ago le, just that maybe he didn't admit to it only, don't say i tell you all this k? if not i surely get slaughtered by the-name-which-you-never-speak-off...oh here are some other pics from that chalet!

waltzing down memory lane

dA 1 N oNlY


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