Saturday, December 24, 2005

merry christmas eve to all!

back from camp, back from the stupid outfield where my boots are soaking wet every day and night, back home where i can have mac delivery( btw, they charged me $2 surcharge for the delivery last night, i thought it was free?) anyway, concussed on bed officially at around 2 plus...woke up and here i am! lisetening to mayday-恋爱ing over and over again...oh well, here's an update for this week!

anyway, one year passed by, hopefully it passes much much faster so i can ORD much faster and don;t have to live under the regimentation of camp...argh! camp sucks! that's why after you go NS, you treasure your home more just like me! oh back yto topic, one year passed and its CHRISTMAS again! the season for sharing and giving! so should i write my wishlist down?

*sees you moving the cursor to the X on the top right corner of screen*


okie, i'll stop there then, anyway, feel free to tell me your wishlist, i won't be bothered to fulfill it anyway! *evilz*

oh outfield was bad this week, very tiring,or shag in military form...but the good news is that its over! and when its over, that's the time i go home again! celebration at camp was kindda boring last night until 5th coy took out their beers and "let it snow let it snow let it snow" making our place full of beer and stinko, and the best part was they were the first to pop smoke after the whole thing, leaving others to clear up thier mess...wth! anyway i wasn't the one to clear up but i really feel sorry for those who did, its like after a BIG, and i really mean BIG gang fight with beer cans...

its christmas eve now, the morning is great! and i'm going out with my dear later to watch the narnia show,its the longest title for a movie i have seen in recent years haha, should be nice la, hmmm, going back to gaming le, will update more tonight i guess!

merry christmas eve!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 11, 2005

sliding doors...

i think your english is better than mine, so i don't have to bother explaining it to you the meaning of sliding doors...actually i'm just lazy to find out the actual meaning la...anyway, if sliding doors was good, i should have been riding on some waves of good luck which i never really felt...

here goes why and what happen today...

right in the morning, i woke up with a shock and a headache and looked at my watch...OMG! its states 950! and then i quickly muster up enough strength to msg dear, cos the headache really like making one side of head too heavy to lift up...then i realised we are meeting at 1030 instead of 1000...however my headache tells me that rest is required so i slept again and tell dear i meet her later, hopefully my headache recovers...luckily for me, it recovered a little and so i was better when meeting dear or else i will be like too sick...

then i keep reading the papers today to see what matches were there to buy, cos i wanted to avenge for my losses in the past weeks...anyway, after much consideration, i left home and went to the bank first before proceeding to the betting shop i thought...anyway, there was a long queue at the bank so it took quite a lot of time, so dear called me to buy lunch for them so i decided to pay the betting shop a vist much later in the day...

anyway, we went out shopping and there wasn't a betting shop in town which i knew of, anyway even if there is, it was covered from my sight! haha...well i was feeling a bet tired so we rested in the library and i fell asleep again for god noes how long...then we awoke and continued shopping, that's when i receive the FREEPICK sms telling me to take west ham to win tonight! i was thinking! this one confirm tio..which means confirm win one la, then i called pak to help me check odds and hopefully bro song can help me buy...however, when the odds were in, song was in ginza playing, so nobody helped me buy...

lucky for me, i slide thru 4 doors today, so if sliding doors were true, i slided thru 4 in a row!

dA 1 N oNlY

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

my injured toe(s)

oh man! if i show you a picture of my toe right now, i guess you probably puke your dinner out from last night...anyway, it has developed into such a bad situation that drastic measures had to be taken...okay la, the toe is still on me, and i dunnoe what's wrong with it, its not foot rot cos it doesn't spread and neither is it any form of fungal infection cos its not healing when fungal cream is applied...somebody save me!

anyway, the skin just dries up and starts peeling...YUCKS!okay stop imagining cos you'll be utterly disgusted if you figured it out...i need a doc soon...anyway, the toes is starting to feel wierd cos the bottom part feels hard to touch!*sees you actually shifting your toes a bit under the table* ah! so if you have any of such symptoms, visit your friendly neighbourhood doc soon!

okie enuff bout toes la, its getting sick, i mean the toes! i'm gonna see if i can fix it or else i may just chop it off someday when it gets real itchy!opps!just kidding!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Aeon Flux (spolier!)

haha, watched Aeon Flux on sat night with mao mao and kenneth....erm okie la, talking bout what happens in the future of some goodchild empire cos he saved the humans from extinction!woo! cool hor...but then the plot a bit the simple la, so there's no twist here and there, quite direct lor, just watch if you like to have a sneak peek into the future and the very beautiful assasin! anyway, she's still quite vulnerable though she is the best in the Mohicans...oh well, cool gadgets are all in the show la, watch it and disbelieve! haha

got to go camp le, ig you ever watch Aeon, tell me how u feel la!

dA 1 N oNly
hahaz here i am..blogging again! hmm let's see..wad did i do this weekend? dear and i planned to do a photo blog this weekend..but guess in the end we still did not really take enough photos to make a real photo blog lah..hahaz dear drove to PS so that we can catch Zathura! hahaz isn't moi dear cool? though we took the wrong turn AGAIN and took almost 1hr to travel from bukit batok to PS..there is one consolation. SHE DID NOT GET ANY HORNS FROM OTHER DRIVERS! mwahahaz. I should have taken a photo of her driving lah..totoally cool! (juz like jay in initial d..hahaz)

hmm den we ate fish n co at the glass house for dinner. ordered fried calamari and a seafood platter for two. and guess wad? there are calamaris in the seafood platter too! hahaz we really had ENOUGH of calamaris. i tell moiself..i am not going to eat old chang kee squid head for the coming 2 weeks..hahaz. and i realise sumthingy..mussels can be quite nice to eat..but don't try to open the whole flesh up..cos it may look quite disgusting..hahaz. i know that..cos i did exactly what i advise u guys not to..and in the end..dear had to finish up moi share of mussels =P

ehz today's a lazy sunday afternoon. I slept for like 1.5 hr though i told dear that i would only sleep for 20min hahaz. then we went out to buy LOTX of junk food from if there's going to be a war soon. Then we went cycling! hahaz. so now. i'm back blogging once again...

btw, i'm bookin in tonight again, gonna be one more week before i get to maple and see my dear! oh why did i put maple before dear? she's gonna kill me!argh! aiyah i'm just kidding la...relac okie? haha...okie la, signing off now le, forgot what i wanted to blog actually, so give me some time before i recall them la...

til then!

dA 1 N oNlY

Friday, December 02, 2005

i'm back!

i'm back after 4 days in camp cos there was a celcbration and a dinner at expo!(OMG! its soooooo far ) anyway, i just reached home so i most prob update in the next 12 hours or so....having a bad running nose....busy catching up with it...darn! there it goes again! aight aight, entry later!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, November 20, 2005

woohoo! its been long since i last entried...been lazy i guess, cos i actually got some long weekend but i didn't want to blog much. dunnoe why but blogging always comes last into my mind since i keep seeing that maple icon on my desktop! oh well, this is gonna be long if i put the whole chunk down so i'm gonna break them up into parts and then you can select what you wanna read bout my life! MY LIFE!!!!sometimes, you just can't help but wonder where is your life don't you?

anyway, read on to find out more bout my life these days in the army and every shit thing that happens la, as they say, shit happens in the army, so you just have to suck it up! darn! i hate that!in summary, we had a very tedious week outfield and then followed by a long 3 day break at home and prepare for our much dreaded 72km march to get the elusive RED BERET!woohoo!

read on to find out more!

dA 1 N oNlY
red beret!

okie after waiting for like 10 months! finnaly i see a small glimpse of the elusive red beret...well before that there is the final and greatest obstacle that requires clearance..which is the 72km route march! thinking about it already gives me a headache!

anyway, we were supposed to start at 3 in the morning but it starting pouring at 3 so we end up sleeping till 6 for breakfast and staring to move ff only at 9! spirits were high then cos you never expect what's coming next!OMG!

so we walked for like 16km without stopping and then rested for an hour or so and we started walking up and down ECP! from BBQ pit 1 to 68 and then 68 to 1 and 1 to 68 and 68 to 1...okie, ask me anything bout ECP, i think i should be able to tell you quite clearly where it is now. haha...anyway it was quite boring walking up and down cos you see then same group of people bbqing(and you are like so hungry) and then packing up to go home when it is later...that feeling sucks...

and then when we walk till like 50 km, all of us are feeling the strain on our legs lor...that feeling is beyond description la...its like working your legs too running for 10 hours none stop or swimming for like 20 km...i think la cos i never did any of those excpet walk 50 if you wanna do it, tell me how you feel later, we can exchange our thoughts...

anyway, the last 16 km was terrible cos besides walking, we still have to carry someone back...that's super demoralising cos our legs are hurting like mad with all the strains and blisters...but guess what? we made it! haha, though not short of massive injuries to everyone....

anyway, the red beret is taken but then there'e not much emotions involved...dunnoe why but all i need was a good rest i guess...this weekend is kinnda nice cos i won some $$ at soccer and my dear just finished her major exams!so it only means more going out next weekend onwards i guess!

but as the saying goes....happiness is short, i'm bokkin in tonight again...argh!

dA 1 N oNlY

Saturday, November 12, 2005

back from outfield!

i HATE outfield, so am i glad that i am back home now?nah! i'm SUPER glad to say the least! cos it actually means the end of all the mental and physical torture during outfield...

we went outfield on tuesday! and we stayed at this dilapidated place that only ghouls and monsters would reside in...okie basically it looks like a ghost town if not for the population of army dudes there...if you ever chance upon that area, you thought maybe some plague drove all the resident away or what...okie too much tv i guess, anyway, the place can be accessible thru bus service 965( or izzit 975?) ...its near the sungei gedong camp i guess, and its definatly not fun...=(

anyway, it was the first time doing a battlion size mission and seriously, for like 80 % of the time i don't even know where am i and what's my role...anyway, we took a super long wlak on the first day with the heavy load killing i understand how tortoise and snaisl felt when they move their house around...

anyway, the mission eneded after like 4 hours of movement and then fighting(not according to plan) i guess that's the most realistic part about the whole mission cos in war, everything is so chaotic and wokring according to plan just don't work...anyway, i was dead in like 5 mins without even firing any shots...well, i was ambushed by some idiot who hide behind the bushes and its near impossible to see them if they don't move cos its dark! real dark! i wonder if anyone took an aimed shot btw..

that is like a summary of what happens in that outfield and spending like 9 days in camp with your weekend burnt! oUcH! finally i'm back...nono its FINALLY I'M BACK HOME!woohoo! and CO announces a monday off so i got more time with my dear and my maple! haha

dA 1 N oNlY

Thursday, November 03, 2005

count your blessings!

while sending dear home last night, she asked me something like this,(can't rem the exact phrase and structure but anway) she said, don't you think xuan wei is very fortunate?

then she goes on to give examples, like when she was hospitalised la, her life now is better though she didn't get into med etc etc...i hope mother doen't mind me mentioning all these but anyway...the idea is that sometimes dear, we tend to overlook what we have most of the time, we didn't really count our blessings but instead dwell on those bad patches that we meet...though i can preach here, i don't really practice what i preach see me complaining every now and then...

just wanna let dear know, i count my bleesings too, and my greatest blessing is you!

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

happy deepavali!

its also my 14 months together with my dear!( i realised that one year has 12 months afterall,what was i thinking of last night?) anyway, last night was spent at live firing and camp cleaning weapon...end up sleeping only at 4 in the wee hours of deepavali, the festival of light...

anyway, went out with dear and did some shopping...the whole time i was like kindda tired cos 1) i lacked sleep
2) i lacked sleep
3) i still really lacked sleep, so much so that i had to get dear to sit down and take a quick nap for like 30 mins on a bench in raffles city...

made my dear angry le...bad...very very bad =(

anyway shopping was till like evening then we went home le, don't want to elaborate much but we just watched tv at dear house then i fell asleep on the sofa from 7 till god knows when....okie not so kua zhang la, i sleep till like 10 plus woke up and then left for home, meeting pak and song for champs league soccer later in the morning again..

and so one day of the hols was passed just like that...and i'm nearer to the time i return to camp...

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, October 23, 2005

in a few hours time i got to be back in camp counting down the days to book out once again...
...a few hours...
that's damn sad...anyway just to blog to share some jokes bout the happenings around camp!

was at range that day, didn't get marksman so that's wave goodbye to the $200...sian...that could have been used to go out buy some stuff and blah blah blah...anyway the joke of that day was a conversation of a certain sergeant with my buddy...

sergeant: eh where you live huh?

buddy: teck whye, chua choa kang that area lor

sergeant:(thinks for a while) there got one mansion one ah?


sergeant: the mansion haunted one la

buddy: not sure leh, never hear before

sergeant: (thinks for a while again) teck whye chua choa kang...oh! got one coffeshop one right?

me: (trying very hard not to laugh)

buddy: huh?

sergeant: there, the coffeeshop face the road one right?

me: (still trying hard not to laugh out loud)

actually i was thinking...wth! which area in singapore does not have a coffeshop? and moreover, he still tries to describe the coffeeshop by saying it faces the road! tell me, does it help by asking if your estate is the one with grass patches around your blocks?...such is the conversation of a regular in my bout brains and brawn, i think he only got the latter...

anyway, there are more jokes bout him and more quotes from him but i don't have enough time to write them down...ll try to next week( i realised i dun do whatever i say from past week)

ah! this week in camp doing all the rubbish stuff, basically called SAI GANG, or fatigue work to put it better. it onvolves shifting cupboards beds and whatever to some place from level 3 to 1 and then to 1 to 3 to 4 again! talk about the decisive force once again, anyway, we are better actors and house movers than soldiers i think...

anywa, enuff of camp stuff, its always boring to talk bout that...weekend was good i guess, meet up with song and dan and pak, wantedt o watch soccer but in the end i didn't get to watch cos my father went to wash his car and that wasted a lot of time...then we came back and played some mahjong while pak was 2 timng us by chatting to a certain gal online...anyway i was really tired...too tired to even watch anime with them..dan left at 3 plus, then the 3 guys sleep together lor, i took the matteress cos its shielded away from the aircon!anyway, it was a good sortta reunion la, everyone looks good to me...hoping that there will be another one on the hols to come...

this week have been some good and bad...i neglected my dear cos i was too tired and keep sleeping while she studies, luckily she is very understanding! but i still feel a bit bad...sian...shall make it up to her next week lor( this one must rem!)

till then, see ya guys!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, October 16, 2005

they say in the army, you learn life lessons, makes buddies that goes thru thick and thin with you and when boys turns into man( i still believe that happens during puberty) anyway, is the army really that powerful? maybe it is cos in this 2 years of your lifetime, you will constantly ask yourself this question "why must we serve?" and soon you would be so not bothered at all cos you realised you can never change much about the happening in life anyway no matter how...

anyway, being a good man( as i suppose so) i volunteered to take over the guard duty on friday morning cos my buddies needa rest for their IPPT on friday i have to leave at around 2 am in the morning to report cos there were some activities going on for other companies...

so the idea was, after ippt, the poeple who were suppose to take over guard will come and take over us and then we(the gurads) at the guard house can go back and book out cos we are got gold for our IPPT test long long ago...anyway, that didn't happen...cos those that were suppose to come sub us didn't come at all, they booked out together with the rest of the company cos they say that there isn't any RT the next day so we will do duty for the friday till sat! DAMN YOU ALL! we have to do a 30 hr shift!

so in the army when shit happens, somebody has to catch it. we were the unlucky ones...why? cos we wanted to be the good men and volunteered ourselves to take over guard...get this clear if you happen to be reading this somehow, we did you a favour, and this is not the way to pay us back understand? dun climb all over our heads and shit all over us...

"man only do things which are benificial to this case, if there was a RT on sat, confirm the guards will come cos they all wanna skip that...but if its book out, you just hug that baton and shield and bitch about us in the guardroom lor, cos i'm going home and i dun care!"

人不为己,天诛地灭-i finally understand that

a good man no more in camp...

dA 1 N oNlY
the SSS - the story about stupid and stubborn

there was this guy who was called stupid and his friend called stubborn. erm, that is their real name k?cos in this land of the rabaraba(LOTR) your name reflects what kinnda people you are, anyway, today's focus is on stupid and stubborn...we'll talk about the rest when i got time ya?

let's do a background introduction on our focus today,
no.1 focus-stupid-as his name suggest, he is stupid, cannot understand what others are trying to put across, takes a long time to understand something new, and readily does things which people don't usuall do cos its stupid...
no. 2 focus-stubborn-well, what else can i say?he doens;t listen, always thinks he is right, his method the best. not open to any ideas, would rather take the long route when there is a shortcut or easier way out.

so one fine day in LOTR, stupid was once again seen pondering about some task that he was suppose to complete...oh maybe he doesn't ponder much cos he is stupid and can never figure out what is going on...all that he can do was stare blankly at his task and hopefully they will come alive and work by themselves! if only he was a mage(opps!digressing!)

then there was stubborn who came by and looked at stupid, asking him what is he suppose to do, as usual, stupid's reply came very much later cos he dunnoe what to say...anyway, the explanation was done finally and so stubborn decides to help stupid on one condition, everything will be under stubborn's charge, stupid just follows...

so you think everything will turn out well? let's just say it was suppose to because stupid just listens and stubborn just commands, ideal in w wokring world...but, this will only lead to low productivity in the force, and stubborn never understands that cos he is like dat, and stupid cannot do anything cos stupid dun think...such is the problem in the land of rabaraba...

so little kids...what's the morale of the story? you cna be stupid or stubborn only one at a time, dun ever let stubborn and stupid mix no matter what...and that is exactly what is happening in the camp....somebody save me!!!!

dA 1 N oNly
yoX! i'm back!

sorry for the late update cos...i was busy last weekend..actually i am very busy the whole weekend most of the time...anyway, last week was forgotten, e only thing that mattered was that i booked out of that freakin camp at around 8 in the night...should have seen how desperate we were in going out, that weekend was short...just like this one too=(

anyway, was thinking of topics to write about in the blog when i have free time in camp...titles includes 1) the SS Story-the story of stupid and stubborn 2) being a good man doesn't pay off in camp 3) a very unfateful day of a soldier. oh well, i shall take my time then..check them out k?haha( i realised i am typing this entry first and the others later, so i guess you will read them all before you come here anyway)

oh btw, yest i won $$ but i'm still in a deficit. however, winning rocks and losing sucks dun you agree? so when you start winning, you feel good even though your winnings aren't enuff to actually cover your losses. anyway i WON! haha. maybe we shld share some pointers on the upcming matches in the weeks to come so we can all huat( win) together!

hmmm...shall start on the 3 topics that i had though of sucre to check back every weekly for my updates...

dA 1 N oNlY

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

hElp! i'm a maple addict!

with so much block leave to clear, i stayed at home most of the time to play maplestory! or rather mapleSEA cos its in South East Asia.btw, i'm a Archer in the game, level 23 now....okie, now i will share with you some tips on how to spot a maple carefully, maybe you'll discover someone close to you that behaves this way...

1) they are only free when the server is undergoing maintainance(like now!) to do other stuff such as blogging...the more serious case could sit in front of their com whole day forgoing food and water and something air? to carry on thier quest in MapleSEA!

2)they go the webby to check out the latest happening everytime they go online or making that webby their homepage so everytime they click on the IE explorer icon, they see Maplesea and automatically they will just close that window and click on the Maplesea icon and the rest is history i guess...

3)they go around trying to make their com a maple com. downloading screen shots, wallpapers, and even their blog can be about maple...

4) they will not talk about maple anywhere on the roads but they can just break into a conversation with anyone if they heard that the other party plays maple, if the other person is of a higher level, the more the lower level one would want to find out his nick and the timing he plays...

5) this is the ultimate, they will walk around Singapore and take extra notice into bushes and grassy spots cos they think there may be monsters lurking at every corner! sometimes, they will attack mushrooms at roadsides and also those snails that popped out after a rain. the most severe case would be them collecting the shells and mushrooms caps to sell them somewhere( i dunnoe where though)

so guys, take note k? there may be such people around. but there is no reason to fear cos in MapleSEA, there is no Player Kill, which means that no matter what, the players cannot fight among themselves which makes them harmless to all humans. they are only a threat to snails, mushrooms etc etc. so they better watch out!

dA 1 N oNlY

Monday, October 03, 2005

all in 3 days back at camp...

wow!that 3 days back at camp was kindda happening though we slacked quite a bit too, how ironic can that be huh?slack cos they actually dun have any activities lined up for us, basically we just went for a IMT shoot(individual marksmenship training) and unpacked our stuff from brunei...happening cos i was thrown into another detachment, which means i will be under the 2 commanders which i dun like and alone in a unfamiliar place...damn it! why must fate be so cruel to me?!?*screams in agony* btw, i intially wanted to titled this entry as revenge of the drill, cos my block back in camp is going thru some major renovation to improve the living condition there,just as we were moving out, this is what i call "shit happens"...been thru enuff shit, hopefully i'll open my eyes to see a bright light...

oh since i am on the topic of camp, i found someone who can personify stupidity in my camp!aha! oh well, not that i'm mean or what, but its really'll be a long story if i describe what he does to us so i'm leaving the details out...i'm on my way to see what else can be personified by the people back in camp. its a blessing he is a regular, cos i think he will most probably die in the outside working world.haha.okie, shall tok more bout them in the next entryif i rem that is...

anyway, i'm on leave once again. and i'm playing hard and tinkering on what to do next actually...went to K box with dear today! then i realise i CAN only sing 1 song outta the many i selected...*shakes head*...nvm, i'm a one hit wonder kid yeah?(nowadays, really have to live with some form of self encouragment or else will die ah)well, lost quite a lot of $$ on soccer betting, darn! gonna stay away for a while...maybe i should sit down and calculate my losses...oh my! why did i say losses?darn! i'm really in a deficit! no winnings to count...

currently watching some jap show, bout a girl who can set things on fire at will!oh, towards the end she can control water too! anyway, how cool can that be huh? i can have a list of things i wanna burn!haha, okie i was just kidding k?before someone really thinks i'm an arsonist...

aight aight, gonna end my entry here. going to bed le i guess...wil continue updating tml i guess...

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

e start of horrors again!

argh!*pulls at his already short hair*

can't believe its tuesday already! exactly one week ago, i just touched down Singapore from Brunei,thinking about how to spent my one week block leave...and TADA! its tuesday again*faints* i'm going back to camp! i can't bear to leave my freedom...the only comfort i can get is that saturday i will be returned to freedom once again=)

was flipping thru the papers today and there were articles reporting about schools taking actions against student bloggers who blog bad stuff bout their teachers!!! and the punishment not light k? not those warning kind, one ven got public caning leh.ultimate. i think public caning is the ultimate humiliation one can ever get lor, even caning in jail also done in a small dark room leh( got this idea from movie one la) guys and good k? dun blog bad stuff bout your teachers...if you really have to, dun use their real name, passed it off as someone or something, hmmm this makes me wonder if gossiping behind someone a serious offence?

anyway, its a few more hours before i walk into the dreaded gates of my camp...still have to travel so much, hopefully my buddy would msg me to say his mother fetching la, then i can get a lift there too! got a BIG bag to bring in...can't be bothered to pack them nicely so i just chuck everything in, that's the use of a BIG bag isn't it? haha...soon i won't be laughing again...

no more late night gaming, no more sleeping on nice bed, no more hot water for bathing, no more luxury of time, no more chocolate cookies, no more nice lunch and dinner, no more good things in fact....only more scoldings, more vulgarities, more regimentation, more exercise,more sweat...bah! saturday will come soon!

in the mean time, be good guys and gals! rem dun talk bad bout your teachers on your blog!till then!take care!

dA 1 N oNlY

mY h-Ous-E is falling apart!

have you ever been woken up by the irrtating sound of the drill in the early morning?okay, maybe 9 wasn't that early but well, considering i watched the president's cup till 5 in the morning(wow! just relised i only slept for 4 hours),i was sure about to curse whoever was moving in and renovating thier new home.i guess my neighbours felt the same when we moved here a few months back...little did i know, the cursed drill was actually in my house!yeah!the Mr Drill iS iN dA hOuSe! but instead of bringing the house down, it was actually trying to repair the 2 GIANT cracks that runs down from the ceiling to floor in my kitchen and the dining room...gasp!
okie, let me clarify,first of all my house isn't collasping nor was there any tremours or whatever sort of stuff that resulted in these GIANT cracks...(i admit we dun use that Nippon 3in1 Paint that can cover cracks)...these cracks developed partly because these slabs of wall weren't supposed to be there in the first parents have purposely added them so that we can have an extra room for my granny and little sis! from my understanding, this is a common problem with such walls cos the new and old cannot get along together...sounds like some family problem the new and old are just simply stuck together with cement! lots of cement i hope, then they are painted over, covering the difference up. however, there is a saying in chinese that goes like paper can never wrap fire. so the secret was out! GIANT cracks appear at the place where the slabs were joint...troublesome...
anyway, i was in the house for like till 1130 before i left to meet my dear for lunch @ NTU. lucky for me, i don't have to listen to that heavy rock music all day...there's more to come tml...argh!
dA 1 N oNlY

Monday, September 26, 2005

its 330 in the morning!

time flies while you're having fun...damn sian now, don feel like writing anything down cos i'm exhausted simply by looking for my blog template...FINALLY! i found this, but it looked a bit girlish...ARGH! heck, will find some other if i have the time to...
so what am i doing up so late at night? was watching Trevisco(i think) Vs Milan on tv, wanted to bet but then was too late...lost quite a bit in soccer this week...darn! but nvm, i still believe i can win it back!
anyway, i'm blabbering at 3 am in the morning, was mapling a few mins ago but came out cos my char had to recover. hmmmm...linZ and song is still online but i suspect song is already asleep though his com is still on and his status busy on msn.
aight aight, got to go, till tml,be good and i'll be back for an update i hope bout yesterday! aha!
dA 1 n oNly

Sunday, September 25, 2005


this is my first post and i'm gonna make it short...
found my opendiary and think its still hot...
so i thought: why not?
start a blog...
to record down whatever that happens in a spot...
aight aight, this will be where i record down my thoughts...
you can check back by opendiary for previous logs...
give me some time to put all these in sort...
i'll be back with a better blog...
before i forgot...
this is my
old diary spot
dA 1 N oNly