Sunday, October 16, 2005

they say in the army, you learn life lessons, makes buddies that goes thru thick and thin with you and when boys turns into man( i still believe that happens during puberty) anyway, is the army really that powerful? maybe it is cos in this 2 years of your lifetime, you will constantly ask yourself this question "why must we serve?" and soon you would be so not bothered at all cos you realised you can never change much about the happening in life anyway no matter how...

anyway, being a good man( as i suppose so) i volunteered to take over the guard duty on friday morning cos my buddies needa rest for their IPPT on friday i have to leave at around 2 am in the morning to report cos there were some activities going on for other companies...

so the idea was, after ippt, the poeple who were suppose to take over guard will come and take over us and then we(the gurads) at the guard house can go back and book out cos we are got gold for our IPPT test long long ago...anyway, that didn't happen...cos those that were suppose to come sub us didn't come at all, they booked out together with the rest of the company cos they say that there isn't any RT the next day so we will do duty for the friday till sat! DAMN YOU ALL! we have to do a 30 hr shift!

so in the army when shit happens, somebody has to catch it. we were the unlucky ones...why? cos we wanted to be the good men and volunteered ourselves to take over guard...get this clear if you happen to be reading this somehow, we did you a favour, and this is not the way to pay us back understand? dun climb all over our heads and shit all over us...

"man only do things which are benificial to this case, if there was a RT on sat, confirm the guards will come cos they all wanna skip that...but if its book out, you just hug that baton and shield and bitch about us in the guardroom lor, cos i'm going home and i dun care!"

人不为己,天诛地灭-i finally understand that

a good man no more in camp...

dA 1 N oNlY

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