Tuesday, November 01, 2005

happy deepavali!

its also my 14 months together with my dear!( i realised that one year has 12 months afterall,what was i thinking of last night?) anyway, last night was spent at live firing and camp cleaning weapon...end up sleeping only at 4 in the wee hours of deepavali, the festival of light...

anyway, went out with dear and did some shopping...the whole time i was like kindda tired cos 1) i lacked sleep
2) i lacked sleep
3) i still really lacked sleep, so much so that i had to get dear to sit down and take a quick nap for like 30 mins on a bench in raffles city...

made my dear angry le...bad...very very bad =(

anyway shopping was till like evening then we went home le, don't want to elaborate much but we just watched tv at dear house then i fell asleep on the sofa from 7 till god knows when....okie not so kua zhang la, i sleep till like 10 plus woke up and then left for home, meeting pak and song for champs league soccer later in the morning again..

and so one day of the hols was passed just like that...and i'm nearer to the time i return to camp...

dA 1 N oNlY

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