Saturday, December 24, 2005

merry christmas eve to all!

back from camp, back from the stupid outfield where my boots are soaking wet every day and night, back home where i can have mac delivery( btw, they charged me $2 surcharge for the delivery last night, i thought it was free?) anyway, concussed on bed officially at around 2 plus...woke up and here i am! lisetening to mayday-恋爱ing over and over again...oh well, here's an update for this week!

anyway, one year passed by, hopefully it passes much much faster so i can ORD much faster and don;t have to live under the regimentation of camp...argh! camp sucks! that's why after you go NS, you treasure your home more just like me! oh back yto topic, one year passed and its CHRISTMAS again! the season for sharing and giving! so should i write my wishlist down?

*sees you moving the cursor to the X on the top right corner of screen*


okie, i'll stop there then, anyway, feel free to tell me your wishlist, i won't be bothered to fulfill it anyway! *evilz*

oh outfield was bad this week, very tiring,or shag in military form...but the good news is that its over! and when its over, that's the time i go home again! celebration at camp was kindda boring last night until 5th coy took out their beers and "let it snow let it snow let it snow" making our place full of beer and stinko, and the best part was they were the first to pop smoke after the whole thing, leaving others to clear up thier mess...wth! anyway i wasn't the one to clear up but i really feel sorry for those who did, its like after a BIG, and i really mean BIG gang fight with beer cans...

its christmas eve now, the morning is great! and i'm going out with my dear later to watch the narnia show,its the longest title for a movie i have seen in recent years haha, should be nice la, hmmm, going back to gaming le, will update more tonight i guess!

merry christmas eve!

dA 1 N oNlY

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