Wednesday, October 05, 2005

hElp! i'm a maple addict!

with so much block leave to clear, i stayed at home most of the time to play maplestory! or rather mapleSEA cos its in South East Asia.btw, i'm a Archer in the game, level 23 now....okie, now i will share with you some tips on how to spot a maple carefully, maybe you'll discover someone close to you that behaves this way...

1) they are only free when the server is undergoing maintainance(like now!) to do other stuff such as blogging...the more serious case could sit in front of their com whole day forgoing food and water and something air? to carry on thier quest in MapleSEA!

2)they go the webby to check out the latest happening everytime they go online or making that webby their homepage so everytime they click on the IE explorer icon, they see Maplesea and automatically they will just close that window and click on the Maplesea icon and the rest is history i guess...

3)they go around trying to make their com a maple com. downloading screen shots, wallpapers, and even their blog can be about maple...

4) they will not talk about maple anywhere on the roads but they can just break into a conversation with anyone if they heard that the other party plays maple, if the other person is of a higher level, the more the lower level one would want to find out his nick and the timing he plays...

5) this is the ultimate, they will walk around Singapore and take extra notice into bushes and grassy spots cos they think there may be monsters lurking at every corner! sometimes, they will attack mushrooms at roadsides and also those snails that popped out after a rain. the most severe case would be them collecting the shells and mushrooms caps to sell them somewhere( i dunnoe where though)

so guys, take note k? there may be such people around. but there is no reason to fear cos in MapleSEA, there is no Player Kill, which means that no matter what, the players cannot fight among themselves which makes them harmless to all humans. they are only a threat to snails, mushrooms etc etc. so they better watch out!

dA 1 N oNlY

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