Tuesday, September 27, 2005

e start of horrors again!

argh!*pulls at his already short hair*

can't believe its tuesday already! exactly one week ago, i just touched down Singapore from Brunei,thinking about how to spent my one week block leave...and TADA! its tuesday again*faints* i'm going back to camp tonight...help! i can't bear to leave my freedom...the only comfort i can get is that saturday i will be returned to freedom once again=)

was flipping thru the papers today and there were articles reporting about schools taking actions against student bloggers who blog bad stuff bout their teachers!!! and the punishment not light k? not those warning kind, one ven got public caning leh.ultimate. i think public caning is the ultimate humiliation one can ever get lor, even caning in jail also done in a small dark room leh( got this idea from movie one la)...so guys and gals..be good k? dun blog bad stuff bout your teachers...if you really have to, dun use their real name, passed it off as someone or something, hmmm this makes me wonder if gossiping behind someone a serious offence?

anyway, its a few more hours before i walk into the dreaded gates of my camp...still have to travel so much, hopefully my buddy would msg me to say his mother fetching la, then i can get a lift there too! got a BIG bag to bring in...can't be bothered to pack them nicely so i just chuck everything in, that's the use of a BIG bag isn't it? haha...soon i won't be laughing again...

no more late night gaming, no more sleeping on nice bed, no more hot water for bathing, no more luxury of time, no more chocolate cookies, no more nice lunch and dinner, no more good things in fact....only more scoldings, more vulgarities, more regimentation, more exercise,more sweat...bah! saturday will come soon!

in the mean time, be good guys and gals! rem dun talk bad bout your teachers on your blog!till then!take care!

dA 1 N oNlY

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