Monday, October 03, 2005

all in 3 days back at camp...

wow!that 3 days back at camp was kindda happening though we slacked quite a bit too, how ironic can that be huh?slack cos they actually dun have any activities lined up for us, basically we just went for a IMT shoot(individual marksmenship training) and unpacked our stuff from brunei...happening cos i was thrown into another detachment, which means i will be under the 2 commanders which i dun like and alone in a unfamiliar place...damn it! why must fate be so cruel to me?!?*screams in agony* btw, i intially wanted to titled this entry as revenge of the drill, cos my block back in camp is going thru some major renovation to improve the living condition there,just as we were moving out, this is what i call "shit happens"...been thru enuff shit, hopefully i'll open my eyes to see a bright light...

oh since i am on the topic of camp, i found someone who can personify stupidity in my camp!aha! oh well, not that i'm mean or what, but its really'll be a long story if i describe what he does to us so i'm leaving the details out...i'm on my way to see what else can be personified by the people back in camp. its a blessing he is a regular, cos i think he will most probably die in the outside working world.haha.okie, shall tok more bout them in the next entryif i rem that is...

anyway, i'm on leave once again. and i'm playing hard and tinkering on what to do next actually...went to K box with dear today! then i realise i CAN only sing 1 song outta the many i selected...*shakes head*...nvm, i'm a one hit wonder kid yeah?(nowadays, really have to live with some form of self encouragment or else will die ah)well, lost quite a lot of $$ on soccer betting, darn! gonna stay away for a while...maybe i should sit down and calculate my losses...oh my! why did i say losses?darn! i'm really in a deficit! no winnings to count...

currently watching some jap show, bout a girl who can set things on fire at will!oh, towards the end she can control water too! anyway, how cool can that be huh? i can have a list of things i wanna burn!haha, okie i was just kidding k?before someone really thinks i'm an arsonist...

aight aight, gonna end my entry here. going to bed le i guess...wil continue updating tml i guess...

dA 1 N oNlY

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