Wednesday, December 07, 2005

my injured toe(s)

oh man! if i show you a picture of my toe right now, i guess you probably puke your dinner out from last night...anyway, it has developed into such a bad situation that drastic measures had to be taken...okay la, the toe is still on me, and i dunnoe what's wrong with it, its not foot rot cos it doesn't spread and neither is it any form of fungal infection cos its not healing when fungal cream is applied...somebody save me!

anyway, the skin just dries up and starts peeling...YUCKS!okay stop imagining cos you'll be utterly disgusted if you figured it out...i need a doc soon...anyway, the toes is starting to feel wierd cos the bottom part feels hard to touch!*sees you actually shifting your toes a bit under the table* ah! so if you have any of such symptoms, visit your friendly neighbourhood doc soon!

okie enuff bout toes la, its getting sick, i mean the toes! i'm gonna see if i can fix it or else i may just chop it off someday when it gets real itchy!opps!just kidding!

dA 1 N oNlY

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