Thursday, November 03, 2005

count your blessings!

while sending dear home last night, she asked me something like this,(can't rem the exact phrase and structure but anway) she said, don't you think xuan wei is very fortunate?

then she goes on to give examples, like when she was hospitalised la, her life now is better though she didn't get into med etc etc...i hope mother doen't mind me mentioning all these but anyway...the idea is that sometimes dear, we tend to overlook what we have most of the time, we didn't really count our blessings but instead dwell on those bad patches that we meet...though i can preach here, i don't really practice what i preach see me complaining every now and then...

just wanna let dear know, i count my bleesings too, and my greatest blessing is you!

dA 1 N oNlY

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