Tuesday, September 27, 2005

mY h-Ous-E is falling apart!

have you ever been woken up by the irrtating sound of the drill in the early morning?okay, maybe 9 wasn't that early but well, considering i watched the president's cup till 5 in the morning(wow! just relised i only slept for 4 hours),i was sure about to curse whoever was moving in and renovating thier new home.i guess my neighbours felt the same when we moved here a few months back...little did i know, the cursed drill was actually in my house!yeah!the Mr Drill iS iN dA hOuSe! but instead of bringing the house down, it was actually trying to repair the 2 GIANT cracks that runs down from the ceiling to floor in my kitchen and the dining room...gasp!
okie, let me clarify,first of all my house isn't collasping nor was there any tremours or whatever sort of stuff that resulted in these GIANT cracks...(i admit we dun use that Nippon 3in1 Paint that can cover cracks)...these cracks developed partly because these slabs of wall weren't supposed to be there in the first place...my parents have purposely added them so that we can have an extra room for my granny and little sis! from my understanding, this is a common problem with such walls cos the new and old cannot get along together...sounds like some family problem sia...so the new and old are just simply stuck together with cement! lots of cement i hope, then they are painted over, covering the difference up. however, there is a saying in chinese that goes like paper can never wrap fire. so the secret was out! GIANT cracks appear at the place where the slabs were joint...troublesome...
anyway, i was in the house for like till 1130 before i left to meet my dear for lunch @ NTU. lucky for me, i don't have to listen to that heavy rock music all day...there's more to come tml...argh!
dA 1 N oNlY

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