Saturday, December 24, 2005

merry christmas eve to all!

back from camp, back from the stupid outfield where my boots are soaking wet every day and night, back home where i can have mac delivery( btw, they charged me $2 surcharge for the delivery last night, i thought it was free?) anyway, concussed on bed officially at around 2 plus...woke up and here i am! lisetening to mayday-恋爱ing over and over again...oh well, here's an update for this week!

anyway, one year passed by, hopefully it passes much much faster so i can ORD much faster and don;t have to live under the regimentation of camp...argh! camp sucks! that's why after you go NS, you treasure your home more just like me! oh back yto topic, one year passed and its CHRISTMAS again! the season for sharing and giving! so should i write my wishlist down?

*sees you moving the cursor to the X on the top right corner of screen*


okie, i'll stop there then, anyway, feel free to tell me your wishlist, i won't be bothered to fulfill it anyway! *evilz*

oh outfield was bad this week, very tiring,or shag in military form...but the good news is that its over! and when its over, that's the time i go home again! celebration at camp was kindda boring last night until 5th coy took out their beers and "let it snow let it snow let it snow" making our place full of beer and stinko, and the best part was they were the first to pop smoke after the whole thing, leaving others to clear up thier mess...wth! anyway i wasn't the one to clear up but i really feel sorry for those who did, its like after a BIG, and i really mean BIG gang fight with beer cans...

its christmas eve now, the morning is great! and i'm going out with my dear later to watch the narnia show,its the longest title for a movie i have seen in recent years haha, should be nice la, hmmm, going back to gaming le, will update more tonight i guess!

merry christmas eve!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 11, 2005

sliding doors...

i think your english is better than mine, so i don't have to bother explaining it to you the meaning of sliding doors...actually i'm just lazy to find out the actual meaning la...anyway, if sliding doors was good, i should have been riding on some waves of good luck which i never really felt...

here goes why and what happen today...

right in the morning, i woke up with a shock and a headache and looked at my watch...OMG! its states 950! and then i quickly muster up enough strength to msg dear, cos the headache really like making one side of head too heavy to lift up...then i realised we are meeting at 1030 instead of 1000...however my headache tells me that rest is required so i slept again and tell dear i meet her later, hopefully my headache recovers...luckily for me, it recovered a little and so i was better when meeting dear or else i will be like too sick...

then i keep reading the papers today to see what matches were there to buy, cos i wanted to avenge for my losses in the past weeks...anyway, after much consideration, i left home and went to the bank first before proceeding to the betting shop i thought...anyway, there was a long queue at the bank so it took quite a lot of time, so dear called me to buy lunch for them so i decided to pay the betting shop a vist much later in the day...

anyway, we went out shopping and there wasn't a betting shop in town which i knew of, anyway even if there is, it was covered from my sight! haha...well i was feeling a bet tired so we rested in the library and i fell asleep again for god noes how long...then we awoke and continued shopping, that's when i receive the FREEPICK sms telling me to take west ham to win tonight! i was thinking! this one confirm tio..which means confirm win one la, then i called pak to help me check odds and hopefully bro song can help me buy...however, when the odds were in, song was in ginza playing, so nobody helped me buy...

lucky for me, i slide thru 4 doors today, so if sliding doors were true, i slided thru 4 in a row!

dA 1 N oNlY

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

my injured toe(s)

oh man! if i show you a picture of my toe right now, i guess you probably puke your dinner out from last night...anyway, it has developed into such a bad situation that drastic measures had to be taken...okay la, the toe is still on me, and i dunnoe what's wrong with it, its not foot rot cos it doesn't spread and neither is it any form of fungal infection cos its not healing when fungal cream is applied...somebody save me!

anyway, the skin just dries up and starts peeling...YUCKS!okay stop imagining cos you'll be utterly disgusted if you figured it out...i need a doc soon...anyway, the toes is starting to feel wierd cos the bottom part feels hard to touch!*sees you actually shifting your toes a bit under the table* ah! so if you have any of such symptoms, visit your friendly neighbourhood doc soon!

okie enuff bout toes la, its getting sick, i mean the toes! i'm gonna see if i can fix it or else i may just chop it off someday when it gets real itchy!opps!just kidding!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Aeon Flux (spolier!)

haha, watched Aeon Flux on sat night with mao mao and kenneth....erm okie la, talking bout what happens in the future of some goodchild empire cos he saved the humans from extinction!woo! cool hor...but then the plot a bit the simple la, so there's no twist here and there, quite direct lor, just watch if you like to have a sneak peek into the future and the very beautiful assasin! anyway, she's still quite vulnerable though she is the best in the Mohicans...oh well, cool gadgets are all in the show la, watch it and disbelieve! haha

got to go camp le, ig you ever watch Aeon, tell me how u feel la!

dA 1 N oNly
hahaz here i am..blogging again! hmm let's see..wad did i do this weekend? dear and i planned to do a photo blog this weekend..but guess in the end we still did not really take enough photos to make a real photo blog lah..hahaz dear drove to PS so that we can catch Zathura! hahaz isn't moi dear cool? though we took the wrong turn AGAIN and took almost 1hr to travel from bukit batok to PS..there is one consolation. SHE DID NOT GET ANY HORNS FROM OTHER DRIVERS! mwahahaz. I should have taken a photo of her driving lah..totoally cool! (juz like jay in initial d..hahaz)

hmm den we ate fish n co at the glass house for dinner. ordered fried calamari and a seafood platter for two. and guess wad? there are calamaris in the seafood platter too! hahaz we really had ENOUGH of calamaris. i tell moiself..i am not going to eat old chang kee squid head for the coming 2 weeks..hahaz. and i realise sumthingy..mussels can be quite nice to eat..but don't try to open the whole flesh up..cos it may look quite disgusting..hahaz. i know that..cos i did exactly what i advise u guys not to..and in the end..dear had to finish up moi share of mussels =P

ehz today's a lazy sunday afternoon. I slept for like 1.5 hr though i told dear that i would only sleep for 20min hahaz. then we went out to buy LOTX of junk food from if there's going to be a war soon. Then we went cycling! hahaz. so now. i'm back blogging once again...

btw, i'm bookin in tonight again, gonna be one more week before i get to maple and see my dear! oh why did i put maple before dear? she's gonna kill me!argh! aiyah i'm just kidding la...relac okie? haha...okie la, signing off now le, forgot what i wanted to blog actually, so give me some time before i recall them la...

til then!

dA 1 N oNlY

Friday, December 02, 2005

i'm back!

i'm back after 4 days in camp cos there was a celcbration and a dinner at expo!(OMG! its soooooo far ) anyway, i just reached home so i most prob update in the next 12 hours or so....having a bad running nose....busy catching up with it...darn! there it goes again! aight aight, entry later!

dA 1 N oNlY