Sunday, March 09, 2008

its 4 in the morning


just got back not long ago after seeing linz off to london...she's not going to defend Hellgate la...but its a SEP...which stands for SUMMER EXCHANGE PROGRAMME in some university in Germany. oh well, she'll only be back in aug...and it will still be summer here in fact...its always summer in singapore...that's why i choose to do my SEP here...cos its summer all year round here...

anyway...Barnsley got through to the next round of the FA cup by beating Chelsea.woohoo! give them the FA cup and promotion to the premier league man!hahahaaha

anyway..i was just thinking of the problem of the triple sharing of rooms in NTU halls...though i don't live in one right now....but by judging the size of the rooms of my friend's hall...i really dun think 3 person can squeeze into one...unless you live like sardines or you are like those dwarfs in snow white story. seriously...change to window to matal grills and add a gate to the door...that looks like 3 locked up person in a jail cell la...haha

anyway, i read it somewhere that maybe its only fair to let those squatters( who live there illegally or legally) the rights of comfort to have a proper sleeping space and working furniture...i think that guy that wrote this is outta his/her mind(i forgot who was the author)...if you're already a squatter now, would you want to pay more for something that remains almost the same before you paid? my guess is that as a squatter, and also those sharing a room with a squatter, you should have been prepared that there will be a loss of comfort. by enforcing every room as triple sharing...u would have forced everyone to live in 3s...and tell many squatters are actually complete strangers with the original 2 living in the room?i guess that squatters now do actually know each other before hand and therefore does not mind the 3 sharing...imagine 3 complete strangers...haha i cannot imagine that happening...

anyway...i would really like to find out who is the one in charge of all the halls and allocation. didn't they actually foreseen this problem of overcrowding existing sooner or later?i mean, each year you would have guess that more and more schools will be opening up more vacanies to cope with the incresing demands due to more people making it into uni. if they have realised that the people coming in will be increasing and all the new year 1 will be allocated with a hall, they shld have built in advance to cope with the problem. whoever that did not see this trend...i think you're damn screwed...the pattern is so obvious and constant..where's the trend analaysis and the prediction forecaster? did they lose their jobs for overlooking something so trival?

let me tell you...even singapore built a lot of excess HDB just in case suddenly everyone decides to get married on the same day and apply for a flat....though they all built in wulu wulu places...but still they won't have the excuse to say that they decided that 2 families will share one HDB unit....

so i say...screw the person who did not see this problem guess is that you don't have to stay in hall so you dunnoe how the condition is like...please go calculate the amount of space person and build like bigger halls to really accomodate 3 or more pple bah...maybe try making space for 4 so they can play mahjong everynight...have you ever consider putting pple in containers? then maybe they will feel more like sardines in a can

woohoo! sardines i HATE them!

da 1 n only

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