Monday, December 11, 2006

time out...

every once in a while its good to take a time out from all the things that you have being doing so that it does not become too boring to bear...especially if you only play whole day...that's me! opps!

anyway i'm watching women 3 M dive right now while wasting time at the same time so that bro song will talk to me after his phone call....makes me wonder who is he talking to actually...i have 2 persons in mind right now...haha..but i cannot figure out who is the exact one...

ah, think i shld pack my cupboard at the same time when i packed my room there a program called pack my room? maybe i can volunteer my room haha...

since i;m so free,i was thinking how to celebrate my 21st birthday..muahahah i'm gonna be 21st soon...and i realised its hard to go bout organising it cos there's a lot of details to cover...maybe in the end i'll just get a few of my close friends and celebrate with them at a simple dinner...haha....nvm, maybe i'll start worrying when the date gets much nearer...

now i' seriousing stoning and waiting, realised i got patience to wait for things somehow, like fishing and waiting for my passport....waiting for ple who are late(this applies if they are not meeting me for meals)...but you know who's better? of course its my girlfriend! cos i will always be late when meeting her, but i'm changing k? i go out eariler everytime now so i no need to run to the mrt..haha....since my gf so good to me, waiting for a patient man is worse than anything else...that's y i bring her to go shang hai ma!!!hahaaha

i'm still waiting for bro song to reply...

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, December 10, 2006

random thoughts...

i guess this is the best title other than recording the date as your title....well anyway, its nearly 2 am in the morning and i'm typing these cos i suddenly rem some happenings that i came across these days and after reading some blogs...

recently my gf was telling me one of my mutual friends broke up cos the girl claims that there is no more spark between him and her....btw, that's a new excuse(i meant reason) i heard for a breakup, the rest usually involves liking another person, cannot stand to be with him anymore(is there such a limit in the first place?) or studies or whatsoever....using sparks, does it mean we got to generate lots of firewood or fuel to burn everyday?

i guess relationships are suppose to be started and maintained by both parties. of course everything starts off well as we don't really understand the person enough but we are sorta blinded by that person's affection to you cos maybe you never did experience it before...this part make may just be fulfilled by one side of the party cos the one receiving such attention just well receives it happily with outstretched hands...maybe that's y u feel like you are being cherished and loved, to be in his/her attention and his/her world revolving around yours....that's y you feel that the relationship will last...

on the other hand, after that part when both are together for a long time and u feel that such things stopped happening, does it means that you are not the center of attention to him/her anymore? i guess not.Cos to me, this is the part where maintainence takes place....the part where both parties must be willing to sacrifice for the other and at the same time understand what each other needs...

why can some relationship last for so long while some are so short lived? does it mean that those that are long are just enduring cos it becomes a habit? i guess the short ones are because of just un commitment(is there such a word?)... i guess sometimes, commitment when you are together is a totally different thing, its no longer a boquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, or even a teddy bear....its higher than that i believe...its always being there at the time when he/she needed u most and still being there though he/she does not need you for now....basically its being just around so that there will always be someone to break the fall, soften the impact and pick you up...

and of course the best way is to start saying i love you to the one you love and mean it.

some of my random thoughts...anyway, this is provoked by my 2 friends whom i'm not very close with but still kept in contact so stop guessing whether its referring to you not, cos if you are reading it, it means you're not the one...haha

dA 1 N oNlY

Friday, December 08, 2006

a day out at ECP!

okay, i was suppose to update this like on sat 2nd of Dec, but i was lazy and then keep procrasitinating it till only now...nearly one week later le...opps! anyway the day was started off by deciding to go to ecp for cycling, very long want to go le but actually once again cos i too lazy so we never made it there, anyway the very smart me thought got free transport to Parkway Parade(PP) so we took the train to bedok but realise that it only operates on Weekends and Public Holidays...anyway the sign that writes the schedule for the bus service has a sentence that goes like..."the above timings are subjected to changes due to the road unconditions"...which is very wierd indeed...and that is also the first funny thing which i observed today...more to come along, i din take a pic of that cos i was busy looking for an alternative to reach ecp cept walking...

anyway we went to PP to have lunch first and buy some stuff to bring there to munch along while cycling...well, our plan is to cycle the double bike so that the at any time only one person need to control the bike while the other just peddle can we bought some chips and drinks to bring over there to eat lor...we're suppose to keep fit and stay healthy but i think we failed...opps! anyway we rented a bike and it was a 1 for 1 offer..meaning you can ride 2 hours for price of 1 hours, applicable on weekdays dun bother asking during weeekends...

ah, we cycled along the way and see lots of things, like the signboards for the marathon happening on sunday....well, there's this board which i find it quite funny and one that really is just stating the obvious...and guess what's the catch phrase for 100-plus?

the funny board

the stating the obvious board

100 plus-OUTDO yourself!

anyway, i see some very funny things at ecp today...maybe someone wuld wanna enlighten me bout it? this includes a tree that bear wierd fruits, a embarassed zebra crossing and a building that faces the sea but has come kinnda room atop which stand out from the rest...take a look!

look closely at the building in the center and compare the difference!

ah i had enuff of uploading the picture, its just don't work...pissed off=<

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