Sunday, November 20, 2005

woohoo! its been long since i last entried...been lazy i guess, cos i actually got some long weekend but i didn't want to blog much. dunnoe why but blogging always comes last into my mind since i keep seeing that maple icon on my desktop! oh well, this is gonna be long if i put the whole chunk down so i'm gonna break them up into parts and then you can select what you wanna read bout my life! MY LIFE!!!!sometimes, you just can't help but wonder where is your life don't you?

anyway, read on to find out more bout my life these days in the army and every shit thing that happens la, as they say, shit happens in the army, so you just have to suck it up! darn! i hate that!in summary, we had a very tedious week outfield and then followed by a long 3 day break at home and prepare for our much dreaded 72km march to get the elusive RED BERET!woohoo!

read on to find out more!

dA 1 N oNlY
red beret!

okie after waiting for like 10 months! finnaly i see a small glimpse of the elusive red beret...well before that there is the final and greatest obstacle that requires clearance..which is the 72km route march! thinking about it already gives me a headache!

anyway, we were supposed to start at 3 in the morning but it starting pouring at 3 so we end up sleeping till 6 for breakfast and staring to move ff only at 9! spirits were high then cos you never expect what's coming next!OMG!

so we walked for like 16km without stopping and then rested for an hour or so and we started walking up and down ECP! from BBQ pit 1 to 68 and then 68 to 1 and 1 to 68 and 68 to 1...okie, ask me anything bout ECP, i think i should be able to tell you quite clearly where it is now. haha...anyway it was quite boring walking up and down cos you see then same group of people bbqing(and you are like so hungry) and then packing up to go home when it is later...that feeling sucks...

and then when we walk till like 50 km, all of us are feeling the strain on our legs lor...that feeling is beyond description la...its like working your legs too running for 10 hours none stop or swimming for like 20 km...i think la cos i never did any of those excpet walk 50 if you wanna do it, tell me how you feel later, we can exchange our thoughts...

anyway, the last 16 km was terrible cos besides walking, we still have to carry someone back...that's super demoralising cos our legs are hurting like mad with all the strains and blisters...but guess what? we made it! haha, though not short of massive injuries to everyone....

anyway, the red beret is taken but then there'e not much emotions involved...dunnoe why but all i need was a good rest i guess...this weekend is kinnda nice cos i won some $$ at soccer and my dear just finished her major exams!so it only means more going out next weekend onwards i guess!

but as the saying goes....happiness is short, i'm bokkin in tonight again...argh!

dA 1 N oNlY

Saturday, November 12, 2005

back from outfield!

i HATE outfield, so am i glad that i am back home now?nah! i'm SUPER glad to say the least! cos it actually means the end of all the mental and physical torture during outfield...

we went outfield on tuesday! and we stayed at this dilapidated place that only ghouls and monsters would reside in...okie basically it looks like a ghost town if not for the population of army dudes there...if you ever chance upon that area, you thought maybe some plague drove all the resident away or what...okie too much tv i guess, anyway, the place can be accessible thru bus service 965( or izzit 975?) ...its near the sungei gedong camp i guess, and its definatly not fun...=(

anyway, it was the first time doing a battlion size mission and seriously, for like 80 % of the time i don't even know where am i and what's my role...anyway, we took a super long wlak on the first day with the heavy load killing i understand how tortoise and snaisl felt when they move their house around...

anyway, the mission eneded after like 4 hours of movement and then fighting(not according to plan) i guess that's the most realistic part about the whole mission cos in war, everything is so chaotic and wokring according to plan just don't work...anyway, i was dead in like 5 mins without even firing any shots...well, i was ambushed by some idiot who hide behind the bushes and its near impossible to see them if they don't move cos its dark! real dark! i wonder if anyone took an aimed shot btw..

that is like a summary of what happens in that outfield and spending like 9 days in camp with your weekend burnt! oUcH! finally i'm back...nono its FINALLY I'M BACK HOME!woohoo! and CO announces a monday off so i got more time with my dear and my maple! haha

dA 1 N oNlY

Thursday, November 03, 2005

count your blessings!

while sending dear home last night, she asked me something like this,(can't rem the exact phrase and structure but anway) she said, don't you think xuan wei is very fortunate?

then she goes on to give examples, like when she was hospitalised la, her life now is better though she didn't get into med etc etc...i hope mother doen't mind me mentioning all these but anyway...the idea is that sometimes dear, we tend to overlook what we have most of the time, we didn't really count our blessings but instead dwell on those bad patches that we meet...though i can preach here, i don't really practice what i preach see me complaining every now and then...

just wanna let dear know, i count my bleesings too, and my greatest blessing is you!

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

happy deepavali!

its also my 14 months together with my dear!( i realised that one year has 12 months afterall,what was i thinking of last night?) anyway, last night was spent at live firing and camp cleaning weapon...end up sleeping only at 4 in the wee hours of deepavali, the festival of light...

anyway, went out with dear and did some shopping...the whole time i was like kindda tired cos 1) i lacked sleep
2) i lacked sleep
3) i still really lacked sleep, so much so that i had to get dear to sit down and take a quick nap for like 30 mins on a bench in raffles city...

made my dear angry le...bad...very very bad =(

anyway shopping was till like evening then we went home le, don't want to elaborate much but we just watched tv at dear house then i fell asleep on the sofa from 7 till god knows when....okie not so kua zhang la, i sleep till like 10 plus woke up and then left for home, meeting pak and song for champs league soccer later in the morning again..

and so one day of the hols was passed just like that...and i'm nearer to the time i return to camp...

dA 1 N oNlY