Thursday, January 31, 2008

bring me to life!

somebody please do that...i feel like life is being drained outta my body every second...every min...every hour....every....


physics rocks once again!

too many things happening and dun even feel like elaborating...i just wanna hug my dear dear now...haha

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

welcome to emo year 22!


just a few days into year 22 of my life and i start to become emo....damn...must have got emo from stupid kenneth...i must keep my distance from him le...shit...just agreed to meet him for lunch tml...this is bad...

anyway, i'm feeling so sian that i feel like screaming out amount of soothing music can calm me down..shld i fight it or run away from it?fight?flight?the difference of a single L changes the meaning so much...flight to fight another day?or fight to flight later?...damn i'm emo...

when u are emo...u tend to click very quickly on your msn windows and spam msg when others dun wanna reply...checked

when u are emo...u don feel like doing your tutorials that are due the next day..checked

when u are emo...u feel like everyone is against u and u just wanna find a place for your restless soul....checked

i guess i found my place...

off to my bed!

p/s: she got long hair, a bit tanned and sporty...quite close to your dream girl le mah...what's holding you back?

Monday, January 28, 2008


it hurts when u fall...and it hurts even more when u fall without someone pulling you up again...

in summary, we lost to China in IG today...if i could find excuses to explain the defeat, i'll gladly do it...but excuses is just a form of cover-up,a slightly better perspective of why that happened and was not there's no excuses from me...

i was a nervous wreck on court, sometimes blur until dunnoe when to block and dunnoe when to swap positions...then i also din like do a lot of spiking cos i was be afraid of your opponent, or rather let the opponent strike fear in you, that is the greatest mistake in a game.just hope i can do better and be more alert next week lor, win and we proceed, lose and its over again....we're facing our nearest neighbours!

anyway, i made some new friends, or rather play with in the team. they are geoffrey,jevon and charlotte!(i hope i got their names right). geoffrey and jevon is kenneth's hall mates and charlotte is our captain la...she is year 4 MSE...and i wonder why she participating sia...anyway, these are all nice and friendly pple whom have made my first competitive vball experience good cept for the fact that we din win...let's work hard for the next game...and if anybody stumbles upon this, how about a warm up session on sat morning 8 am?i'll be ready!

why am i getting emo suddenly...does it happen to all 22year old?

no work was completed in this weekend...shall not eleborate on it further...

p/s:kenneth, admit that charlotte is nice!!!! is she your dream girl type?or close to it only?

Friday, January 18, 2008

a respond to kenneth...aka EMO KING

damn...the ball not gay lor...its skill....only those highly trained are able to do it....and those higher trained and cultivated can receive if you ain't no any enlightened being...u will NEVER reach it...haha

okie la...just kidding...just feel like blogging....cos i got my ippt silver! 200 bucks plus 3 times the transport fees...max liao...cos i cannot get gold...anyway, i was very happy with the run....cos i see the $$...personal achievement after failing once...then running for pass and then silver...who doesn't agree that money talks and walks further...i won't deny that=)

do u believe in this thing called karma? that was the original idea for this blog entry but after eading that stupid saw kid saying my ball is gay....i decided to reply him via my own blog...DAMN....haha

karma...sometimes u just go to believe that maybe it is happening to you...rem how many times u didn't want to take the flyers from the auntie giving them out and find out that u have to give out flyers which everyone immediately treated u as if u were invis? so nowadays i will always like give a wave of my hand or a smile and decline rather than treat these pple like they are not that at all...or maybe just take one? u can always throw it away in the bin a few more steps away...

anyway...i guess karma will always come back to you some way or the other...maybe direct or indirectly...but let's just hope that it doesn't come all together now...for if it really happens....i guess u may see me no more...haha... u believe or not?

so shld i be better to my friends and not discriminate those that like to AIM me with their service and like to smash the ball at my area and making me look like a useless player with my out ah...karma is coming to get U!

PS: kenneth is the EMO KING cos he likes EMO songs...i'm gonna print a shirt that write I"M THE EMO KING in front and then the back is BOW to ME! for his 23rd birthday...designs are welcome but u must make sure u have those 2 phrases in it...


Friday, January 04, 2008


that is wat i'm feeling now...