Friday, June 08, 2007

@ work...

i'm blogging from my workplace now..opps! kinda bad i know but i finished whatever my job scope listed for today. maybe some shit will come in the afternoon. oh well, used to it le after working here for like 4 mths? ending job on the 19th this month then flying off to JAPAN!!!woohoo can't wait!

anyway, the lack of updates was actually because i was busy mapling after work. so for the past 3 months and counting, i have been mapling everynight from 10 to 2. its kinnda routine, nothing! i actually summed up 3 month of life after army in 4 words..amazing!

okie shall post more interesting updates when i start racking my brains to think. it has been inactive since....i dunnoe when...oh yar...jusr a reminder! linZ! when's the 2I gathering????

dA 1 N OnlY

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