Wednesday, December 05, 2007

its raining man...

dunnoe why but when it rain especially heavy or long....i will start to sing its raining men...maybe if i leanr how to sing umbrella then i will start singing has been raining b4 i wake up, when i'm awake and still right now when i'm typing my blog out..haha...non stop raining....

anyway, nothing much to update cept i have been slacking and slacking and more slacking...till the point where i dunnoe what else it there to i got into FACEBOOK! and then i got tired of it after 3 days...haha, i think facebook is not meant to let you keep in touch with your friends...more of like let you play with all the uselss applications for the very bored people....the friends network is just there to make u believe that you're in the company of your friends...but are they really there to see it? i guess most of the time they are actually offline....haha

anyway, song has got SCV le! yeah! so we no need to put up with people's smoke or the cannot be heard commentry anymore! we can also change channels as we like and can watch standing up, sitting down, lying down, proning down, squatting or even maybe upside down! wahahaha..just wanna say SONG LIP ROCKS!haha

aiyah...received my ICT notification june...i'm going back to the army! my job is top secret! cannot let you all know too much...just wanna say....ZOMFG...i'm getting pawned soon! too soon! the mean time, i'll try to be as happy as i can till 3rd june!

dA 1 N oNlY

Sunday, November 25, 2007


just like England's chance of qualifying for Euro 2008, my exams are over!
*jumps up in happiness*

however, i guess i was also pretty screwed for it...paper too easy i maybe careless...paper too hard then i dunnoe how to the end...we'll leave it to fate bah...this time...if you tell me that we are the masters of our fate...i PUI ah!i say the masters of our fate lies solely on the bell curve and the professors which everytime claims that the paper is easy(of course they would think so la, cos they are PROFESSOR leh, if they think its hard then the are called STUDENTS liao)

anyway, exams are over, so i'm just going to enjoy my life till the time i get my results...and below is just a short list of my daily activities...there's more to come!
  1. sleep till the sun shines on my BIG FAT butt...cos i have been waking up super early to be a "hungry ghost" at LWN, every morning being the first wave to go thru the gates...i need my sleep back...but on the other hand...i got to cut my BIG FAT BUTT...
  2. catch my weekly EPL on live screens! and also the champions league and every other soccer that is avalible!
  3. EXERCISE!i shall start that tommorrow! so that i can get thru my IPPT on DEC god...its less than a month away!
  4. watch my prison break, grey's anatomy and heroes which i have been too busy to watch it during my papers. i only watch tv which was already harmful enough...
  5. play some online games....and maybe work on my dota...haha i really am a rat's shit in dota...covert rat shit to chinese...with me team won't its back to AI! AI better watch out!

okie...i think the last thing that i wanna do is to actually step-by-step list out my case someone wanna assasinate me in the near forewarned! i got no money or property to my name. anyway, i'm gonna just take it easy from now on...ah relax never felt so good before!haha

da 1 N oNly


Friday, November 02, 2007



based on some inspiration(s) from Kenneth Saw...

p.s: please don't ask me Kenneth saw who k? Kenneth just Saw, and don't ask saw what...

"these 3 words...............
they meant so much....
but yet so hard.............
never give up................
these 3 words................"

Based on a true story....(like real)

anyway, the exams are coming....if the warning bells aren't ringing yet, they are most likely in the following conditions...
1) they are spoilt
2) they are on silent mode
3) they are not triggered in any form
4) any of the above or more than one above

whatever the reason, exams in 2 weeks....that's 14 days..or 13 to be exact...think i'm just gonna get grilled barbequed steamed deep fried burnt etc etc by the preparations and revisions and the exams itself...omg...a living i think its more of a haunting...and a very scary one cos it haunts you every day and night...every living breathing second. it eats into you, into your soul, into whatever lively flesh you got....(okie i think that sounds more like a zombie from RE)...anyway, it just preoccupies u every single time...and especially when you are just relaxing...

*shakes head*

anyway, good luck to one and all...especially to me....come to think of it...i shld not wish u all luck...for i need it more than any single one of you need...3 cheers to mugging your heart and soul and body outta your books...omg that is sick! can't believe i just cheered for mugging...

whatever it is...just 3 words...never give up...cos if you really do...u never will find out what happens in the end, even if it doesn't matter, at the very least you got till this far...

when u never give up, u never actually lose. but you would have already lost, when u are thinking of giving up=) we're in this together(at the very least) cos i already said goodbye to my FCH

*shakes head*

dA 1 N oNly
(not feeling like myself at times)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

man always give themselves excuses....

firstly, if you think that the title suggested that this entry is gonna be written by a woman, then i hope you feel much better to know that its still yours truly bloggin in right now. i know its been ages since i last blogged but no worries, my blog has not been hacked, i'm just not blogging cos i din know what to share with the world...i din want to bore my ultra limited audience at my blog to bits...see, how caring i can be to even someone whom may just happen to pass by and read the first few lines of a entry...

anyway, there were plans to start a foto blog so that i could post some of my photos online, and also revamping my blog to put mine and song's soccer tips for betting with our beloved SINGAPORE POOLS, however, much strength is needed to move it and our inertia is just too great to be true....

so i guess, you must be wondering what's the link of the title with the entry, well, if you haven get it yet, dun worry.=). just find yourself an excuse to explain the reason. as in my case, i wanted to start a foto blog but i din do it eventually....then i wanted to do the betting thing on my blog but it din happen i told myself, i'll do it tml....and tml comes and tml goes...and soon there's like a infinite sum of tmls and the thing is never complete...i'm just too busy today....or too tired or too many other things to worry about....these are just excuses....

anyway, a start is better than none, a slow start is better than a no start, better late then never, i have to start it now=)

*turns on the ignition*

dA 1 N oNly

ps: ever felt that there is once when everything doesn't go your way, when nothing can describe your pain, and then u realised that u began smiling. at that point, was it a smile of happiness or was it a smile of weariness?

Friday, October 05, 2007

what shld i type?

i'm at a lost at what to type. too many things happening at the same time.

too much to report till i think its kindda redundant to actually list everything out.

not a bright every sense...hope next week will be better!

Monday, July 16, 2007


been kinda bored at home everyday since i got back frm jap! btw jap is a nice place! though its kinda ex but still we got some cheap bargains...ah i know! they say a picture speaks a thousand words! i shall post a few to keep you all entertain then!i'll just post a few la, i took like 250+ photos(sorry its 400+ after counting them correctly), can't possible put all of them up so i just post up those that i like more! if you don't like it....that's not my problem, u can spent some 2 k plus to fly there and take it yourself!

the streets of Shinjuku (i think)
Hakone(near Mt Fuji)
-place of many hot springs and the famous volcanic egg(eggs cooked in the hot springs)
this place is already 1050m high and smells of sulphur fills the air*chokes*

just a picture to show the water that was used to cook the eggs.

relax its just the pirate boat we took to cruise Lake Ashi.

Tokyo Towers
nice right?haha

Asakusa-took this picture cos it was on our room's wallpaper!
EXPENSIVE fruits for sale!
do your own maths, every 100 yen is bout $1.265
this is taken at Odaiba, i just love sunsets!haha
fret not, i did went to japan but this indeed is a replica of the Statue of Liberty! also at Odaiba!
ah perfect 10!haha
oh well, will show you more photos if you are interested, maybe can meet up and show u la, but well, need to bring your laptop along cos its all in my thumb drive now...=(*call me out please!*
da 1 N oNlY

Monday, June 18, 2007

too little time...

many times, i have been hearing complaining that there is not enuff time to do whatever that is outstanding on thier hands...that's what i'm feeling right now...

things to do
1)pack my luggage to japan
2)Get a good rate for YEN and exchange
3)pay kenneth for the remaining bills
4)find out more bout the hotsprings in Hakone
5)hand over my owrk duties
6)make sure my dear can take care of herself

things done

Hope that everything can be settled in this 2 days, 48hrs many things to do so little time...can't believe i'm saying it myself=S

dA 1 N oNlY

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

i'm lousy at maintaining relationships...

the above says it all....and i dunnoe how to go about fixing it...

i can be very close to you for a period of time...then after that we can be like total strangers somehow....

i called you sis....but you reply bye dude!
and i thought i was your bro?

dA 1 N Only(or lonely?)

Friday, June 08, 2007

@ work...

i'm blogging from my workplace now..opps! kinda bad i know but i finished whatever my job scope listed for today. maybe some shit will come in the afternoon. oh well, used to it le after working here for like 4 mths? ending job on the 19th this month then flying off to JAPAN!!!woohoo can't wait!

anyway, the lack of updates was actually because i was busy mapling after work. so for the past 3 months and counting, i have been mapling everynight from 10 to 2. its kinnda routine, nothing! i actually summed up 3 month of life after army in 4 words..amazing!

okie shall post more interesting updates when i start racking my brains to think. it has been inactive since....i dunnoe when...oh yar...jusr a reminder! linZ! when's the 2I gathering????

dA 1 N OnlY

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

i'm back i'm back!!!


dA 1 N OnlY