Wednesday, August 20, 2008

holy crap!

just realised sometimes...u got to ask more or else pple will not tell u too much...they only tell u what u need to know and sometimes...u cannot help but wonder why are some facts kept from u when u think u should know since it concerns u...

why?why must it be me?

the exact feeling i'm experiencing can be expressed by 3 strokes...

this 3 strokes----> -_-

Thursday, August 07, 2008

some places can never be taken

Just felt like posting something after many days or even months of inactivity. School has started and everything seems peaceful on the surface but actually there is a lot of turbulence just ahead waiting to happen. Are those lights at the end of the tunnel? Or are they just headlights of a oncoming train? So should i walk up and meet the lights earlier? Or should i just stay and judge if the lights were oncoming?

Anyway, just to clarify, I'm not feeling emo or what. Maybe its just the rain. Its been a long time since I experience a night rain and it was especially cooling. It kinda calm myself down and reminded me of those times when i feel like playing in the rain when i was young. When the rain drops were small and they seemed to be floating down onto you instead of falling down. Did you ever experienced that? Tuition was a breeze, either she has grown up and be serious or maybe i'm just very happy to ignore her thoughtless replies =0 the feeling of a storm happening right outside my window really makes me very happy! more about that some other time.

anyway, after waking up today, i realised that in our lives...or maybe just some of our lives....some places can never be taken...and no, i'm not referring to Add/Drop (though that is also true to a certain extent) but the places that are in our hearts. Seems to me, that there is always this affinity with you and someone such that you 2 may either:
1) Hit it off at once and be forever friends
2) Hit it off at once but never become friends after that
3)Don't see eye to eye but still are friends
4)Don't see eye to eye but can still be friends

and in case no. 1, once that friend has become your friend, you two will be friends forever. No matter how long you 2 have never met, there will still be conversation between u two. No matter how far each other are, you will still try to meet each other halfway. No matter how busy you are, you will still try to arrange a time to call, to meet up or do something together. No matter how GREAT or small happenings are in his/her life, you will still be almost the first one to know it.That is why i say such places can never be taken, because these places are cemented in the hearts of the 2, the links of the 2 hearts(not as 1 though) and the affinity among the 2 of them. and it impossible to break such bonds cos it is stronger than any carbon bonds in diamond or whatever ionic bonds you can find in your table salt.

i'm listening to "Its too late" by Carole King. Heard it in a cd shop before going to vball and i think the tune is so nice....wahahahhaaa