Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A Life of Nothingness

Well, that is my life these days, i open my eyes to greet the afternoon sun and then think of what I am going to eat for Brunch and then eat whatever i was thinking about and then slack my life away!crap, i'm kinda sick of these le...luckily i'm going Taiwan!woohoo!

anyway....nothingness is wierd cos there can never be nothingess anywhere...well maybe with the exception of outer space which is basically a vacuum, there will always be something filling up the spaces, be it air or dust...i guess nothingness is only because i have choosen to ignore all the simpler and normal stuff that keeps on happening all around me...

when nothingness comes along, u would have lots of time to figure some really complex situations which u may be in or happening to others currently...haha..shall not eleborate more on these but it just makes me wonder do u always call your friends out only when u are in need?

well the saying of "a friend in need is a friend indeed" is true but i guess only to a certain extent. when you are in need, you look for your friends to help, then ater tiding you over or helping u out, what happens to your friends then? are they forgotten till the next problem u face?

life is complicated sia....

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

fleas don't like rain

So I was on special duty this Saturday that just went by in a flash. Actually everything goes by in a flash if you never noticed it. Special duties because I have to do something more than what i would usually do on a Saturday. OKay, usually i do nothing on Saturdays because its the weekend and everyday now is just like a weekend to me...

Anyway, I was helping out at a flea market organised by LIME! at the Youth Park near Cineleisure. I would say its a fruitful experience as i have experienced every thing that can happened in a typical flea market.

Firstly, there was the rain that came down little drops by little drops before deciding to just come down all together now. Hell it was HUGE! and we had to almost immediately keep our clothes under the HUGE beach umbrellas right after we displayed them out....though the umbrellas were huge, we still have to stand in the open because we got more clothes to be kept dry.

So after the rain, comes the sunshine! At first the sunshine was welcomed as it helps to dry our tables and chairs but as the sun takes too much pride in its work, it started to become another typical HOT day...holy mama! It dried my wet shirt and even baked my Subway cookie to extra crispy, now is that HOT or cool?

Then there are the customers who came and bought a lot of things without asking much, and some others who bought nothing and asked everything from A to Z. There are also some who came for real cheap bargains and some who just come to experience the flea market i guess.There was even a secret guest who people said was JJ LIN! Whoever the customers are, we just greeted them with a smile regardless whether they buy or not, of course the BIGGEST smile are from those who buy a lot.

So the whole thing eneded around 7 and we calculated what we have sold and whether we earned anything. i would say we earned something called experience and that is something that cannot be bought by $$. let's just say the amount we earned was not enough for out nice dinner at WARAKU! But luckily, papa paid for it...haha