Sunday, February 19, 2006


you landed with a hard thud, opening your eyes slowly just as the dust were settling down. you begin to wonder whatb this place is all about. the dust, the dirt and the foggy surrondings makes you confused. there's no way to tell where's north and you begin to wonder into which direction should you proceed on. as you steadied yourself and realised there's gravity, you check yourself to see if you substain any form of injuries. as you look between your legs, you see that there is a sign that reads: what's cookin?

aha! you landed on my blog once again. sorry that i din update. was plain lazy and so the creative juices to blog about some funny stuff weren't on my mind at all. anyway, you wouldn't want to read bout my blog if i write the same old stuff that happens everyday to you and me right? it be like copy and paste plus changing the date kinda stuff...

anyway, just a quick update. i had a enjoyable v day cos i got to come out and meet my dear. we din do much la, just eat and then walk around orchard road. looking at couples holding flowers, presents and more flowers! got 1 stalk, 3 stalks, a boquet of 12, and the champion 99! but my dear din want any( but i guess she does, haha) so i nv got her lor. my friend in camp said his gf cried on the spot when he din meet her with a boquet of flowers! OMG! an advice to all the guys out there, girls may not like flowers, but since its v day, flowers naturally becomes the kinda stuff that she can boost about if she happens to see her friends on the streets. they dun say it out, but well, its just exactly like why a mercz driver would usually look around those cars that are stopping by the traffice lights alongside him and not the smaller cars. its a from of pride! so better get some flowers unless your gf is as understanding as mine!haha

btw, my friend jas left for aussie on the 15th when i was having my NE tour of chinatown and little india. anyway, if you happen to read this! good luck in your studies and do take care in a foreign country!think she wouldn't read this cos she dunnoe i got a blog but well, wishes are also made but nobody actually knows who hears it...

oh btw xj, i solved your present you gave me le. time to buy me another one le. just idding la. cos i know its ex. anyway it was good time killing method. as k my dear, i was so determined to solve it that i ignored her sometimes. she even have to confiscate it at times. haha

shall end of here. got more stuff to do, which is plainly lazing around before i go into camp la.take care! will be back soon with more updates.i promise!

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